Beastmastery gutted

You guys are using rhetoric like “lying”

We can agree to disagree, and I admitted I was wrong about the stomp change, but bm is unplayable atm and the changes like buffing Cobra shot instead of buffing their current design won’t make them any better

Fixed it for you

These are all buffs that improve upon the current design for BM. Excited to play it


Dang this got personal quick

Cant wait to take kill command off my bars and just press cobrashot.

I didn’t read anything personal there. He just calmly explained how to handle this type of situation going forward.

I’ma be real man I still think those numbers aren’t entirely correct, but overall yes it’s a buff.

Barbed shot damage is such an irrelevant nerf when the damage is coming almost entirely from not that, and with cobra shot as a secondary source of actual DPS, with free generation procs of it hitting, it just creates a net positive no matter what?

How can any bm hunter complain lmao

How do you figure?
I literally showed the math o.O

It’s not a nerf. It has a 50% longer cd but a 100% damage Buff. 10020.66 or a 33% buff.

Yes, exactly. It is ONLY a buff.

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THANK GOD THANK YOOOOOOU BLIZZARD! it only took them TWO repeat TWO YEARS to nerf bm. Ty so much blizzard

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So they making mastery more useless? All this class reworking should of been done during prepatch imo so everyone could get use to their new stuff.

Not a nerf and bm being fine isn’t inherently problematic

Did you even read the notes?? It’s ENTIRELY buffs. Smh, this thread is SUCH a bait zzz.

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Meleescum back to doom posting, at least he isn’t spamming on alts now.


I think its very telling of the BM hunter community that they misinterpret their own class notes and non- hunters have to help them read it :skull_and_crossbones:


How do you figure?

All this was is flat % buffs and haste is better as a stat.

I will teach basic math to any wow player to avoid things like this XD


Yea end of DF we stacked mostly mastery, it’s looking like mostly haste atm which I prefer. I Like the changes so far. I havent looked at the SV rework yet, that’s what I’ve been maining for the last two months now. Might give up my BM :frowning:

Man, bless you for being so patient with everyone. The BM hunters are wild and don’t deserve it.

Here is a good example.

I love that post because the reasons for so long for images being bad as a WW was “they can be CCed” when they just astro gapped everyone in DPS by pressing them off CD.

It’s like people have brain damage with pets

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There was a point in shadowlands where only hitting cobra shot was correct iirc.

I dont really understand trying to give bm less pet oriented builds. The pet bonus modfier seems awfully low even for something being triggered passively.

Explosive feels out of place. If this was to replace the failed bloodshed experiment I’d have more sympathy.

Correct, season 2.

You kept up your barbed shots and literally just hit cobra shot. A weird decision, but thats just how the numbers tuned.

BM should be a pet more inline with their pets, yes, but the player still needs to actively be doing something for the theme to work.