Ladies and Gentleman good evening,
I’d like to bring to your attention the following:
Changing BM into a cobra shot bot instead of our pets doing damage is horrendous. Also changing black arrow to ranged condemn is wack
Ladies and Gentleman good evening,
I’d like to bring to your attention the following:
Changing BM into a cobra shot bot instead of our pets doing damage is horrendous. Also changing black arrow to ranged condemn is wack
You do realize that this is a net neutral change, yes? Actually a slight buff. The 35% damage penalty is removed, and then the active abilities are nerfed by 35%, resulting in an overall buff to pet AA damage.
The rest of these changes are still an overall buff, it’s just that you will actually weave cobra shot instead of 90% of your rotation being barbed shot and kill command.
Please stop making clickbait title troll threads to deliberately misinform other players.
Am I high for reading this as nothing but buffs?
Like what’s the actual math here, because you just continue to do the exact same static 3 button rotation and NOW you get rewarded with more procs, and just more blanket damage?
Like all BM did for so long was just barbed shot + kc spam and now you get to press… cobra shot?
bruh what are these changes blizzard lmao!!
No it’s not. It’s only a net neutral for KC, which animal companion follows, but all of the other abilities like stomp(which is a large portion of their damage) got nerfed as well as Barbed Shot CD(the bleed is a large portion of their damage)
You never wanted to spam Cobra shot as the KC-> Barbed Shot → Bestial wrath cycle made it engaging. Now it’s going to be Cobra Cobra Cobra bestiary wrath Cobra Cobra Cobra Barbed shot
so now the question is , do i fotm reroll from bm hunter or do i just unsub from this game for good? these changes are awful
Brother, survival needs strong lads like yourself. Come join us!
these changes are really good for pvp, hope we don’t see BM hunters ever again
Brother, survival needs strong lads like yourself. Come join us!
ill try it out.
No it’s not
Yes it is.
There was a 35% penalty on ALL PET DAMAGE with animal companion. This included kill command, auto attacks, stomp, and pet abilities.
They are removing the 35% penalty here:
Animal Companion no longer reduces the damage of all your pets by 35%.
And then re-nerfing the stomp, kc, and ability damage by the exact same amount here:
The following pet ability damage has been reduced by 35%:
- Stomp
- Kill Command
- Bloodshed
- Claw
- Bite
- Smack
This results in ~53.8% (1/0.65=1.53846) more auto attack damage from pets and increases haste as a valuable stat.
This change is because hunters were basically never pressing cobra shot, which made all the talents around it useless. They just spread out the rotation so now it’s 3 buttons instead of just 2.
as well as Barbed Shot CD(the bleed is a large portion of their damage)
Which actually got buffed more than it was nerfed.
- Barbed Shot damage increased by 100%.
- Barbed Shot cooldown increased to 18 seconds (was 12 seconds) and duration increased to 12 seconds (was 8 seconds).
- Barbed Shot’s pet frenzy duration increased to 12 seconds (was 8 seconds).
- Thrill of the Hunt duration increased to 12 seconds (was 8 seconds).
It has a 50% longer cd (or what WOULD have been a 33% nerf), but does 100% more damage. This is a 33% increase to barbed shot damage overall, and more if/when you get procs.
These are ALL buffs to bm.
If you don’t know how something works, then ask. Don’t lie and make misleading threads for attention.
I liked MM with the new Black Arrow dot. Them making it just condemn for hunter is a joke. I dont like Survival, id play feral or WW for melee, and if im playing hunter I’d rather play BM. I felt like its literally kill Command and grenade spam. No thank you
Still going to play BM
Animal companion only followed KC. Oh it’s auto attack dmg was buffed! That doesn’t make up for 35% nerf to stomp
Animal companion only followed KC.
No, it just means that both pets USE kc, and that ALL their damage (stomp included) was nerfed by 35%. Stomp, bite (and comparable abilities), and kc are all the same. Now pet just does more damage.
Your Call Pet additionally summons the pet from the bonus slot in your stable. This pet will obey your Kill Command, but cannot use pet family abilities and both of your pets deal 35% reduced damage.
Here is the spell.
It’s written in plain english. Why are you still lying??
these changes are really good for pvp
What makes you say that? These are all straight up buffs to bm and they get even more value out of having uptime now? Also, pet passive damage (so even if you’re lining the hunter) got buffed by 53.8%.
Animal companion uses stomp also.
I guess you’re right regarding the stomp damage and 35% part.
I still think they will be worse after this patch than if the current iteration received some modifier % dam buffs
Edit: the Cobra shot spam gameplay will be garbage and them getting condemn is also garbage for MM
Like what’s the actual math here,
I did the math in a post further down. The changes are:
-53.8% buff to all pet auto attack damage.
-33% buff overall to barbed shot damage.
-Cobra shot does more damage (hard to tell the exact increase. 35% baseline buff, but it also has a bonus free one on auto attacks and every 6 gives you 8% damage for 10 seconds)
-hunter has MORE uptime on cds
-haste as a stat scales even better now
Tl;dr these are huge bm buffs and OP is deliberately lying with a bait thread.
Please stop making clickbait title troll threads to deliberately misinform other players.
The moderators really need to take action on his account for this behavior.
Tl;dr these are huge bm buffs and OP is deliberately lying with a bait thread.
The moderators really need to take action on his account for this behavior.
Truth. These threads and this poster are a danger to our humble community. The misinformation and harmful rhetoric must stop. We have impressionable people on this forum that seek guidance and accurate information. The OP treats this board as a psuedo MySpace page.