Beast Mastery spec bonuses

except that the current builds dont take dire beasts in like 90% of builds from what ive seen


My 3k io says otherwise

Have you seen the numbers??? S2 leads by a very far margin. Were only doing so well in s3 because of our talent changes. If we had same talents now as we did in previous seasons, there would be no contention. Plus 3k is relatively easy to get now because of the dungeons this time around


Except that our talents DID get changed. They arent going to get reverted, so the s3 tier will continue to feel the best. Also, the only people who think 3k io, CE, or a high pvp rating are easy to get are the people who cant get them :skull:

If you are picking 3 because you like summoning beasts, good on you. If you are picking season 3 for power, you are wrong. Pick 2.


i mean this is the easiest season ive played in a while
and thats coming from someone who played SL S4

s2 is the way


And i do think its easy, i just havnt bothered to do it, my bm is at 2.8k and can easily get up there if i bothered to do 22s

This season is even easier than last season and last season was the easiest season weve had

tbf i got my portals and aotc last season then quit
this season took me maybe 2 rotations of keys playing pretty sporadically lol. had a 16 still on the books when i hit 3k

100% this
I prefer the flexibility of the talent builds when we don’t need to go down the dire-pack side of the tree so it’s S2 for me

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the s3 tier is completely passive. S2 will do more dmg with the changes and improve gameplay.

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I think what this thread shows is that people are conflating the relative power of the spec in each season with the power of the tier set bonus in that season. Since BM is at its highest relative standing in season 3 most people are knee-jerk voting for season 3. Meanwhile people who have actually looked at the relative power of each tier set are voting for season 2, as shown by most of the actual replies to the thread supporting season 2.

Season 2 is the clear winner and hopefully the vote will sway more in that direction over time, but given the extreme lead of season 3 it unfortunately looks unlikely. I think they will go with season 3 and a lot of BM Hunters will have a rude awakening with performance next tier as other specs picked their best tier while BM Hunters handicapped themselves with a worse tier option.

There is hope, though: since Azortharion’s video, this vote has been swaying in favour of season 2. Just a few hours ago the breakdown was 62% S2, 24% S3, 14% S1. As of the time of this edit it’s 57% S2, 31% S3, 12% S1.


Season 2 is a buff to both single target and AoE because it improves Bestial Wrath uptime.

It doesn’t actually change your playstyle, though. It’s entirely cosmetic and it doesn’t even summon that many dire beasts; just one extra during Bestial Wrath.

It would be a tremendous own-goal to pick S3 tier and opt for a massive performance loss as well as a loss of playstyle improvement just for the visual of one extra Dire Beast every Bestial Wrath.

This is “feelycrafting”, i.e. theorycrafting based entirely on how you feel about it rather than any sort of real numerical analysis. As can be seen in the video linked above, S2 is objectively the higher-performing tier.

Season 3 provides no difference in playstyle, though. It is basically a +% passive buff.

… at least beyond the 5% haste buff while the Dire Beast is active, but this is very minor compared to the higher Bestial Wrath uptime of S2.

Do you actually have a real argument for why season 3 tier is preferable?

The point is that BM’s relative performance improvement in season 3 is due to our talent changes, not our tier set. Season 3 tier is actually a downgrade over season 2 when considering just the effect; the only reason you’re wearing season 3 tier is because of the item level increase combined with the effect. If you had season 2 effect with season 3 item level, you would actually be doing a lot more DPS.

Plus, season 2 tier actually changes your playstyle for the better while season 3 tier is entirely passive.


Imagine thinking 3k io this season is impressive :skull:


3k is the new 2500 which 2500 was the new 2k last season


back in MY DAY 3k took real work!

S2 wins by far, not sure why everyone thinks they will balance dmg out and S3 will somehow come out on top,
S2 is like a fool proof tier set. U can mess up your rotation or even DIE after pressing BW, but it wont matter because ur biggest CD will come back in like 20 seconds, the tier set is very forgiving on mistakes and S3 or S1 tier sets are not that forgiving.
You will never have to worry about when to press your biggest cd, or should you save it in a mythic raid prog, just send it every time.


I love it how Hunters want the tier that got nerfed into the ground and is almost useless now. I mean, you can’t make this up.

Hunters being Hunters is gold. I love it.


Just give us a damn vendor and let us decide what tier sets we want to use…it’s not that hard ffs.


This should read “(4) Set Bonus: Cobra Shot, Kill Command, and Multi-Shot reduce the cooldown of Bestial Wrath by 2 seconds.” They changed the tier set to this partway through the tier.