Beast Mastery Dance of Death Crit Build

Icy Veins was recently updated to say that a potentially competitive build centering around stacking Dance of Death traits, Crit and the One With the Pack talent is emerging.

Has anyone tried it out? Does it seem to be working?

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I have one Dance of Death trait by chance and crit is currently my best stat, but I can’t get enough crit to make it worth switching Chimaera Shot for One With the Pack. Dance of Death by itself does not sim very high though. You would need the whole setup to compare it properly, which I don’t have.

The 2-set ring from BoD doesn’t give crit, but it’s BiS because of the 2-set bonus (150 Agi), which is a fairly large amount of crit missing right there. There aren’t any crit-heavy rings in BoD either, I’m wearing a titanforged one from an Emissary. I also haven’t seen any trinkets that are crit-heavy (Hunters can’t use Incandescent Sliver). So the build may make some sense in paper, but if you can’t stack the crit it won’t work. Maybe next tier.

With my gear chimera is very close with one with the pack. To the point that if I were to get a war forged spyglass or another high crit item with a socket it could put it over. I also only have 2 DoD.

Edit: just ran a sim, it’s an 89 dps difference in chimera and OWTP. So single target it’s a straight toss up now for the most part.

I sim at 26,266 right now

Harland dice, the spy-glass, ivars trinket, turtle emissary trinket are all agi trinkets with crit procs.

Also my helmet has the best crit proc trait possible right now.

It seems like it’s basically gimping your multi target significantly to get a possible small single target increase if you stack crit and dance of death. Additionally, it’s still a random proc, and most difficult content is going to favor controlled burst damage, which is what primal instincts does. Also maybe it’s just my luck, but I haven’t seen many pieces with dance of death on them.

I guess I’m more familiar with raid loot than mythic+ since I do dungeons less often. I don’t really want to spam dungeons for a base ilvl 400.

You do sim a bit higher than me which is interesting, since we have the same ilvl, but you have 5% more crit than me, so I guess it’s just luck with the loot. Almost every single piece of gear you’re wearing is different from mine. I have too much mastery instead of crit.

It in no way hurts multi target, infact it makes it stronger. The reason the spec works is because it snowballs. More crit equals more DoD procs which adds agi which adds more crit which adds more barbed shor procs which can trigger more DoD all while adding more BW due to more procs of barbed shot.

You can get 3 DoD but you cant get 3 dod and FF. You do have PI with the bis trait gear

Now I run the next best imo as I have 2 DoD and 1 HoR so that every BW I have an agi proc guaranteed. I simmed myself with the BIS pieces and it was a sub 200 DPS gain.

The spec is far and away the best BM build possible now and is neck and neck with the MM build in the highest gear levels.

You sadly have the worst helmet in game right now for hunters, the engineering helmet is an upgrade. Crit is what makes the DoD build function, you need an effective crit near to greater than 40% to really see returns. My effective crit is right at 40%, I have seen others near 50%

I haven’t found anything better. Got that one from the vendor RNG. The Crown from Opulence was worse according to my sims so I traded it out. But I wasn’t testing the idea of a crit build back then so I might consider a few more options. I don’t have engineering and don’t intend to switch professions (I was bleeding gold until I switched to Herbalism/Alchemy).

In any case the dps difference is not that big, and my mythic parses are all in the purples. I’m just taking information for now. Will take a while to gather crit gear and Azerite for a potential switch.

blizzard needs to change bm hunters mastery its useless.


Didn’t they change it so primary stats don’t give anything but attack power/spell power back in wod or something?

Except parry/dodge for tanks

That’s correct. I don’t know what he’s talking about with it snowballing.

I don’t see my dps changing very much (0.1%) when I switch to 2x Dance of Death… maybe I just don’t have the gear to support it. I’m missing crit on a few pieces. I’ll have to try to find crit items to see if it would work. I’m at 25.4k

You want more crit for multi target.

Interesting. I guess I hadn’t simmed stat weights for BM in quite a while since I’ve switched to MM for raiding. Apparently crit sims equal to mastery for me now.

That build pretty much rely on proc rate.

But I love that.

whenever I have lots of crit gear(my crit is less than 20%…), I wanna use that build

BTW, what about thrill of the hunt talent for ‘dance of death + crit’ build?

Thrill would work if it was just added crit, but it isnt.

Btw my stat weights are

Crit 3.47
Haste 3.13
Mastery 2.93
Versatility 2.92
Agi 2.53
Weapon 8.53

If weapon dps scaled just a bit better the spec would not have the scaling issue it has now

How does this work in PVP?

Unless it was fixed recently, Thrill of the Hunt is broken. It doesn’t give your pet crit, which dramatically reduces its power, and it doesn’t benefit from the barbed shot duration increase from Feeding Frenzy. So if you’re refreshing barbed shot correctly then thrill of the hunt will never stack.

Ironically Blizzard actually nerfed BM’s scaling with the 8.1.5 changes. Since barbed shot doesn’t scale with crit, hate, or mastery and cobra shot doesn’t scale with mastery, those stats now contribute even less to our dps. I predict that BM will need another round of buffs next tier

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I got the impression that one with the pack increased the wild call proc from 20% to 24% and not from 20% to 40%. 20-24 is a tiny difference.

Going through a lot of math, but over a 5min fight an extra 4% wild call only translates into 2-3 more barbed shot with a 40% crit and that only results in 1-2 more DoD procs.

Has anyone one sim’d the thrill of hunter build with 3 feeding frenzy and 3 haze of rage?