Bearded lady dwarves!

And I linked them stuff that shows it’s in wow too but no… they are purposefully ignoring it to troll.


I guess I’m just old then, because literally all my nerd peers knows this trope.


I’m not mad, I’m just disappointed that the only masculine content allowed in this game is beards for dwarf women.

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yeah, it’s just something that i have never seen before anywhere.

While I’m happy you got what you wanted, OP

An entirety of 0.00000000000000000002% of the player base will use this authentically.

The other 0.000000000005% will be 13 year old trolls who like to make characters as unappealing as possible.

Meanwhile, there’re far more popular races still needing advanced customization. Like Zandalari needing better resolution skin. Or Female Tauren needing more than 4 faces.



lol and that’s ok. I look forward to that. XD it’s gonna be great :stuck_out_tongue:

I do agree some other races need more customizations.

yeah, there are lots of other races in the game that should be getting more customization options that should have taken precedence and priority over this change.

Change? It’s a feature on an upcoming allied race…

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I just wish the beards were more stone-like similar to the existing earthen rather than hair tacked onto a stone body

Just doesn’t look “earthen” to me


Fair I can agree with that hopefully there are stone options.

Hopefully on release they appear more filamentous, like glass or crystal?

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I definitely hate those pictures, yes.

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I think they look pretty interesting. To each their own!


yeah im going to give you an agree on that one for sure

Every proper dwarven lady has a beard!


i honestly have never heard of this before…

This is where I wish to know,Is there any old relics of what a dwarf really looks like?
Should have some art from long ago on this.

I hadn’t considered that, but that’d be awesome too


What female dwarf wouldn’t want a face full of magnificent facial hair?


i have never seen any like that before…