Bearded lady dwarves!

Not me I wish I was taken away by a strong Amazonian women wouldn’t care if a beard was involved :dracthyr_shrug:


So you are absolutely refusing to go verify anything and would rather sit here, spending time in this thread, to argue it than checking?


I gave you the steps to independently verify for yourself. That’s all I need to do.


not really, you just basically said “hey there is a quest, you can go look for it” without really proving that the quest even exists.

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Why are y’all still replying to it?


It exists, Classic-side, Darkshore, shortly after arrival in the zone from Teldrassil. It’s a pre-Cataclysm quest and it exists in both Classic and Wrath Classic.

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imagine hating female dwarf beards??? that’s classic dwarf lore baby! we’re hyped af!


so i should just take your word for it and spend hundreds of hours of my time to reach it in classic, hoping that what you said is true?

Wow,really ? I didn’t know this. I’m not kidding either from a cite?

Drop the hyperbole, it doesn’t take hundreds of hours to reach it in Wrath Classic. Roll a Night Elf if you want to do it, it really doesn’t take that long.

If you’re unwilling and are demanding me to prove it - which you’ll likely dismiss at this point considering you’ve already thrown off Warcraft Wiki (nee Wowpedia, same staff) and Wowhead (longtime community-aggregated database), then I’m sorry but I will not capitulate.


I’m sorry I’m working atm but here’s the quest.

Just go to the end.

Also to go into a thread and be all “well this and this and blardy blardy I’m gonna be stubborn” is just… come on now.

If you aren’t happy with bearded lady dwarves then just say it. No need to derail the thread and go “well is this really the case or not” when obviously some google searching, like I did, got the answer.

FYI time stamp 1:51.

And incase no one wants to look through the video, here:


That is fair but hopefully lore etc explains some stuff coming up.

Guess you hated LotR and Witcher then.


Dude the expansions were in the works way before that. Enough of the dramatics


I can’t believe this is a thing people are getting mad over when bearded dwarf ladies has been a tongue-and-cheek staple in fantasy since dwarves were conceptualized in modern western fantasy.


i honestly have never come across this before in any sort of lore or other sources.

I laughed at the title in general. I can already think of so many names people have reserved

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I. Linked. It. Above.


It comes up from time-to-time in fantasy staples like old Dungeons & Dragons campaign modules and art, which in turn was based largely on Tolkien’s works - who had stated in his world female dwarves grew beards.

sorry but i have never seen nor heard of that before.