Bearded lady dwarves!

lol hi chilibean XD

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but the thing is that wiki pages are never accurate, they donā€™t require people to cite their sources and anyone can edit it at any time for any reasonā€¦

i mean, you could have literally created that wiki page a couple minutes before posting this thread

except for the book it cited that is a book that is published by blizzard?


Did you go to the bottom to find the sources?


Are you trying to invent alternative timelines now? Tsk. Tsk. Chromie would not approve.

I feel like you need to reevaluate your understanding of what threat is. No one in this thread has threatened you once. Stop making false statements to try and prop up your arguments and incendiary claims.

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wiki pages can be edited freely by anyone for any reason at any time. they arenā€™t reliable sources of information.

WoWā€™s Dwarf beards are glorious, itā€™s about time the lady dwarves get to enjoy them too.

Two of the characters mentioned are in reference to Day of the Dragon, pages 164 and 262-264. The third is referenced in the Alliance quest ā€œThe Family and the Fishing Poleā€.

These inserts were cited and documented. Two are in hard print, third is ingame.


This is very gracious of you. They should be grateful for your leniency, lest you attack them without mercy or remorse! They should know better, you have kindly pre-warned the other forum dwellers who dare trespass your territory of what may become of them should they misbehave.


okay, gotcha a quest:

look at completion


But Mezten approves everything, and heā€™s making Warcraft great again.

yeah wowhead also has no requirement of being accurate before something is posted, same as a wiki page.

wowhead isnā€™t like the official encyclopedia of world of warcraft.

Itā€™s an easily-accessible pre-destruction Darkshore quest. You can verify it Classic-side.


The links at the bottom are, itā€™s why they are included.

But hereā€™s the thing. Why you so mad that they are giving lady dwarves beards?

Trolls came out the wood work. Itā€™s a customization option. Iā€™m happy about it. If you canā€™t handle the fact that some women can have beards then Iā€™m sorry idk what to tell ya.


so a quest that is conveniently no longer in the game and, thus, i have no way of verifying it?

You guys do realize you are arguing dwarf beards with a troll toon whoā€™s whole argument is ā€œI donā€™t like itā€.


Please read my edit.

You are on a classic toonā€¦

Log into the character and go do the quest.


Ah. So your merely trying to undermine Metzen and link him to a divisive political figure. Got it. To ignore you go. Silly me thinking that I might enjoy an honest dialogue. Nope. Nothing but bad-faith ruminations and issues that are way above my paygrade.

Have a wonderful day and life however! :slight_smile:

Didnā€™t he help with Dragonflight in some capacity? I swear I read that somewhereā€¦ probably on the forums here.