Bearded lady dwarves!


Okay but why do they have hair? Why isn’t their hair and beards made of stone or gems?


There was a quest but its been long removed from the game with the coming of Deathwing…he wiped out that area where the fishing quest was…you can no longer get the Blump Family fishing pole…I have one saved though.

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This was actually played by Deanna Booher! A professional wrestler back in the day.


No-one is threatened lol it’s just gross/weird.

Before people come crawling out of the woodwork to tell me it’s basic female biology:

  1. Tell me with a straight face that the majority of women IRL would look like this without considerable grooming
  2. If they do, they are gross too.

Only on one occasion have I seen woman with a decent amount of facial hair and it was not a pleasant sight.

  1. It’s not a man vs women debate, men should also properly groom themselves too imo, nothing worse than a guy who has armpit hair protruding from the sleeves of his t shirt.

I want armpits hair customization :+1:

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Why would I? I didn’t make that point, so why should I defend it? :wink:

I was talking about a stone dwarf-fantasy race and that it somehow seems to trigger (presumably insecure) players. I also don’t see what’s “gross or weird” about it. If you don’t like the look, that’s fine, nobody makes you play an earthen woman with a beard.

The whole point of this threat is basically “Eww, Blizzard, I don’t find that attractive on women, make it go away! :sob:” If you really have to make comparisons between a race in a fantasy MMO and human women, you’ve probably just misunderstood the “fantasy” part. :man_shrugging:

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No offense but it just looks like you’re the kind of person to defend bad body odor.

You can take care of yourself and not be attractive, stop the hyperbole. It’s got nothing to do with being attractive. Unless you don’t find grooming and taking care of yourself a basic necessity, figures.

Yeah, sure you can defend body hair, bad BO etc. I respect your opinion to be an enjoyer of the weird and the strange, but you shouldn’t expect everyone to embrace it, and you should recognise that trying to insult people into liking it just makes you look foolish.

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I don’t know what kind of weird strawman labyrinth you’re exploring right now, but I’m sorry, I didn’t built it. :sweat_smile:

I never said anything about “body odor”, “grooming” or “taking care of yourself” - you brought all that up. That said, if these beards are part of the earthen culture, what is your problem? Why do you assume that it has anything to do with a “lack in grooming” or “not taking care of yourself”, where does that even come from?
We’re talking about a fictional race of fantasy stone creatures with glowing eyes and diamonds embedded in their body.

btw: I’m a straight male (who also prefes beardless human women in RL :stuck_out_tongue: ), but I don’t see how this is relevant in that case. Fantasy is supposed to be different than reality.

I also did not “try to insult people”, I was just stating that male players, who actually feel threatened by bearded dwarf ladies, are probably not as “confident in their masculinity” as they claim to be. Hell, I didn’t even adress anyone specifically.

If you really felt offended by that, maybe… you should ask yourself, why. :stuck_out_tongue:


and his alt army.

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i would respectfully disagree with that.

That’s what it boils down to .

People freaking out about a fantasy trope in books,movies and games. Really is a head scratcher that some get offended by pixels.


Idk but it was restored so I’m happy.

What on earth happened in here? O.o


May be so, but I am who I am. I aint afraid to hide it.


Still don’t imagine many people rolling female Earthen much like there Dark Iron and standard Dwarf counterparts. I hope there are also settings for the color and how pronounced those rocky growths are can’t imagine they show through armor but would be hilarious if they did though.

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Fair and I think we will see a few but not a whole lot.

The red thingies going through armor, i hope they do. Be hilarious/ cool.

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That’s what I mean.

People making a huge deal over nothing. People reacting like blizz is putting a gun against their head and threatening to shoot if they dont put a beard on their female dwarf.

Its an option. meaning optional. Dont like? don’t use it, seems to be the common sense way to look at it.

People can like it and people can not like it…and then you have people who take to the extreme and see conspiracy everywhere. Im all for a healthy dose of trolling but I sometimes have to wonder if people really believe what they write down.

It’s entirely a non issue. For my part, more options = good.


Exactly! I’ll have a dwarf with a beard (someone suggested fuzzface earlier and 100% gonna try to get that cause sometimes I flip flop genders on toons so it would fit) and some folks won’t. That’s ok.

I’m happy they added it and I find it a fun fantasy trope and as a bearded lady myself (due to some conditions etc I’ll leave it that way) It’s fun to have that. I look forward too on the “meme” characters people make too with the beard option!

I think it will be a lot of fun. :slight_smile:

Fuzzface is reserved :dracthyr_heart:


Roll the name now

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Already did! It’s saved :slight_smile: