Bearded lady dwarves!


I’m slightly more disappointed than when they put out fire dwarves and robo gnome reskins. ( i thought that was the max level of disappointment ) Youd think they would have learnt to just make this crap customization options by now and save new race announcements for fun/new races.

None of the " XYZ Allied Race " Threads were for more Dwarves rofl

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The more interesting thing is that the omg woke/freak show/ eww gross folks here seem to not know how common female facial hair is in the real world. It’s not like there’s 10 thousand products on the beauty market for facial waxing, bleaching, dermabrasion, light IPL, laser removal just because some fictional writers talked about it. It wasn’t written into being by someone with a wild imagination.

Women have been managing she beards per social standards for millenia. Usually by age 25 about 40 percent of females have to start plucking, waxing or otherwise seeing to the fact their bodies are changing. Some cultures were just fine with it until mirrors were more commonly perfected and available to the peasantry circa mid 1500s.

You don’t see a lot of paintings of women with facial hair throughout history, since the folks who could afford portraits were fairly wealthy and could have luxuries that helped with grooming. Like mirrors, and good quality razor blades; and intelligent enough artists who that knew their commission depended on the person liking the end result - thus filtering out their patrons flaws. Artists were instagram filtering before cameras even existed for sake of their paychecks.


Am I late to the Information?
I thought normal dwarves already could have beards

I’ve never seen a woman with thick facial hair (although I’m aware of rare examples of hirsutism). Most guys can’t even grow thick facial hair. Most I’ve seen on a woman irl is wispy sideburns and some scattered chin hairs or a faint scumstache.

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No thanks.

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You don’t see it, because like most body hair that isn’t socially acceptable, it gets removed. However, over time we’ve also needed extraneous hair less due to climate controlled environments, so it is evolving outta our genetics to some degree. Our regular hair on out noodle dome is still valuable for mating/aesthetics, so since that has meaning and we spend so much care on it… it’ll stick around for awhile. We’re also getting finer jaws, weaker teefs and smaller mouths as humans. Due to the plentiful & processed food some of us have access to, we’re not forced to chew tendons off bones or deal with tough plant fibers.

In today’s culture if you have a lady beard that’s super thick, you might have a condition like Cushings, PCOS, or just genetically predisposed to win the facial hair lottery. There’s some peripheral studies that hormones put into foods/meats may be triggering some new rising issues too. Like all things in biology, it’s a jigsaw puzzle with innumerable moving parts.

In terms of weird places for hair to grow, I always find the fluffy angel wings on gents backs way more eyebrow worthy. Like why is hair migrating off yer head and moving there? I tell myself it’s just better grazing land. :upside_down_face:

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Wow, some of you guys are taking this way too seriously.

Dwarves are cool.

Bearded women dwarves are cool and funny.

Take a deep breath and realize wow does not = irl and some people still play just to have fun.

This doesn’t mean your girlfriend is gonna go out and grow herself one too.
(or maybe it does, muahahahah)


I have a beard like Andrei Arlovski. The facial hair genetics in my family are extremely strong. The women can get some random hairs after menopause, but only nearly invisible vellus hair before that.

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You didn’t finish the quote:

“A rare trait in Dwarven females.”

They play a vulpera, mate… cant u see they are a freak :rofl:

Nothing screams “masculinity” more than to feel threatened by the OPTION to give your female stone dwarf a beard. :sweat_smile:

Just as amber-eyed Night Elves. Which are playable for everyone. :man_shrugging:


Oh ya wow, that presumes I think they should be available at all. And I don’t. Just like red skinned Draenai. Sometimes random cosmetic choices gut the grounding of the world which is based on its lore.

The women in my family on my mom’s side have the genetic lottery. I got a snazzy remix from my dad’s side females having just a few chin whiskers. The result being I can grow a magnificent goatee if I wanted - like the blonde elfy looking lady Sendryn linked above. No full beards though. At least not yet. Who knows what the many joys and wonders of menopause may bring.

But yeah. If I didn’t have IPL to manage, I’d make some dudes jealous of the luxurious glitter beards I could rock.


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As I said before, I didn’t have a problem with a darker shade of female dwarf in Rings of Power.
At least Blizz gets it!

What is there to be happy about?

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Have to be careful, it is “body type B” remember?

It is this thought process that is why additional, begged-for customization options are constantly set on the back burner, why entire races get forgotten about by the dev pipeline (lol gnomes and Worgen), and why there are dozens and dozens of overdesigned systems suffocating the player at endgame.

… Lord of the Rings, one of the stories considered foundational to the fantasy genre as we know it, and one that defined it for the better part of a century is somehow not a classic on the level of Gatsby and TKaM. You are out to lunch if you think LotR is somehow ‘beneath’ such a standard, and I don’t even like LotR all that much.

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