Bearded lady dwarves!

I just did Furriousfuzz


Fastfuzziest? XD

Anyway, the names are gonna be great :stuck_out_tongue:


Also debated with Fuzziosa


So Borat was right, it does happen!!!

Well, everyone knows that if you donā€™t Rock and Stone, you ainā€™t cominā€™ home

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Iā€™m reminded of one of my friends who got me into WoW, and has since passed away, they would have loved this.


It just makes sense to me.

I like the beards, but not as much as i want the monsterous spider race for the horde scourge faction.

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people being upset over pixels getting beards is such anā€¦interesting read.


Meanwhile, Tolkien wrote bearded female dwarves into his LOTR lore like, 60-70 years ago. :sweat_smile: These people are far too late to the party.


I love female dwarves with beards :smiley: Thanks Blizzard.
I hope they add stone/crystal/moss/etc type of beards and hair for the Earthens. That would be so cool.


They should just go ahead and retcon all the other female dwarves, allow them to have beards too.

The dwarves all share the same model/rigging.

Honestly shouldnā€™t be too hard if theyā€™ve done the work already for the Earthen.


Something like that would probably come in a later patch, but I fully expect it to happen at some point.

Iā€™m sorry for the loss of your friend.


Well they had to do something to make that allied race interestingā€¦

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They did make it interesting for sure. I like them and canā€™t wait to make fuzzface. Name is reserved already :slight_smile:

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As far as i am aware every woman has facial hair to varying degreeā€™s. I guess i could be wrong as i never spent much time looking into it but itā€™s not something most call out or call attention too.

Like i said, itā€™s a win-win for Blizzard and the playerbase that wants it.


Minor facial hair is common but full fledge beard territory is rare from my understanding.

All I know is Iā€™m letting mine grow out and itā€™s very interesting so far.


Iā€™ve no problem talking about the quirks of our mortal forms. Our bumbling composition of stardust amalgamation thatā€™s hosting a mildly intelligent life force is one of lifeā€™s more interesting jokes/adventures. You play the hand youā€™re dealt and have fun with it. Hair is the least frightful thing the human body has to come to terms with.

We get mites in the base of our eyelashes we rarely ever know of. Google them up for some adorable nightmare fuel. Thereā€™s a bazillion other gross things that we can have/endure/ never know about. But hair is pretty much an entirely aesthetic and social opinion. If hair scares or repulses folks, the rest of the wild world must be a horrifying place.

The fungal infections breaking through our immune systems for example. Way more freaky than some facial hair.


Full fledged beards are probably rare, yeah, but heavier, darker facial hair is a pretty common symptom of PCOS and something like 12% of women have it, though not all have that symptom and those that do have it in varying degrees.