Bearded lady dwarves!

This thread can be summed up as “First world problems”.

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Uh how so?

I’m happy for a customization option. :dracthyr_shrug:


It is not the beard my dear fuzz, but what it stands for!

Just like a bit of stubble that may irritate, we find ourselves needing to take pores in light of the razor sharp discourse that is occurring here, much like a soothing aftershave we must all take a moment of crisp calm lest we all cut ourselves accidently upon the blade of anarchy.

I honestly don’t know where I’m going with this, I just wanted to say needing to pores…like pause…

I thought I was a funny.


lol all good Moobins it was indeed funny.

I do have to say though that the wrong aftershave burns :frowning:

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How is this thread 300 posts already lol

One dude essentially.

It be how it be I guess.

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I’m liking the literal chiseled abs


Lawl ya that is awesome.

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Excited for these!


Me too! Another alt to add to the repetuar or however you spell that.

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One click at a time :grin:

I want a lore reason, a lore reason, why these dwarves get beards, but the others don’t.

Blizzard continues to brush Moira and the Dark Irons off. Maybe if Moira grew a beard, she’d get some respect from Blizzard.


Well… theres a feature I’ll never use lol

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To each their own

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I would still like a beard for my dark iron lady. Their heritage helmet looks crap without a beard poking out of it.


When running games, I’ve always compromised and said that dwarven ladies have sideburns.

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Because REPRESENTATION! It’s Blizzard giving some folks what they want and it just happens to coincide with the joke about Dwarf Women and beards so everyone is happy, it’s a win-win. Hence…

Both of these quotes prove my point.

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Why was it flagged?

“Oh no, the woke culture is here! Run for your lives!”

Something like this?


Everyone likes a bearded lady dwarf, but this could have been just regular customization added to the 2 dwarf races already in existence. These dont really even look that unique, they still look like the fire dwarves to me, but a lighter color.