Bearded lady dwarves!

You don’t win, you just get a little better each time.


If I can get to a point where I can rent a house and have more space is definately something I would love to do.


It’s a long journey. Took us 12 years of saving and scraping by to get our place. But it does eventually present itself. Adulting is weird, no one warns you of how much these outside influences will shape your world and either limit or ignite your success. :neutral_face:


Hubby and I it took quite some time to get ours and we had to save and all that.

I will say a BIG factor is credit score. If you can keep your credit score in order, that’s a big thing that some places look at! Another factor that we had to consider is picking a bank that we’ve had for quite some time financing our house etc. Where we had built repour with them, it helped when getting the loan for the house.



Someone never read Lord of the Rings


it’s perfectly fine for someone to play wow if they didn’t read lord of the rings (a book that was released like well over 50 years ago btw).

Gross. An uneducated zoomer.


nice to see that the wow community is so kind and welcoming to younger players… thank you

Get off tiktok and read a book.


ive read plenty of books, thanks. i just happened to not read the one book that was literally released 50 years before i was born… just had a look, the release date was 1954.

sorry but pop culture novels like that don’t age well and younger audiences aren’t interested in them.

Yay finally lore accurate Dwarf women :dracthyr_a1:

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You’re flaunting willful ignorance.

As you get older you’ll learn new != better and to understand current literature you should always study the classics.

Tolkien is one of the greatest English writers in the history of the written word.

The only thing you don’t know is what you haven’t learned.


As Tolkien intended :dracthyr_nod:


lord of the rings is not a classic, its a pop culture novel that fell out of popularity as its initial audience passed away.

you know what is a classic? Jane Eyre, Great Gatsby, To Kill a Mockingbird - those are timeless… lord of the rings is not.

Yeah you’re wrong kid.

Slap your parents for me.

Just about every fantasy world over the past 100 years is inspired by Tolkien works.

You lack perspective


What on earth is going on in here?


Believe it was from Adventures super old Warcraft Graphic Novel

Yuh instead you should buy a nice patch of grass to touch :dracthyr_a1:

my perspective is perfectly fine. i had a lovely upbringing and an excellent education. that is not changed because i chose to not read a sci-fi pop-culture novel released almost 100 years ago.

Good question that I’ll probably never know the answer to as I do not have enough attention span to read all of it.

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