Bearded lady dwarves!

so this picture is from a game that was never released and you think that because that un-released game had this, that it belongs in wow as well?

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It’s called rutile. There are also fibrous minerals like selenite, hematite and tourmaline that grow in strands.


“It’s a fun, creative, idea, that many of us have know about for many years. There is no reason NOT to add it. I am looking forward to seeing how creative they get with this.”


i just dont understand why they would add it…that’s all.

“Combine those with cave moss, and you can make some very creative hair.”


I like how the earthen have stone underwear.

“Because they WANT to. That is all the reason an Artist needs.”


is it really though? what purpose does this serve in the game?

“Yes it is. It’s called Artistic License. The Artist has the right to create any way they chose.”


They’re pretty amazing all by themselves. Some grow in snowflake like patterns. Which I think is called dendrite or dendritic rutile. Moss agate is a lovely example of the patterns, though the chalceondy around it encapsules the hair inclusions :blush:


but why would the artist choose to do this, though? that is what i was wondering.

Oh that is so cool!

As an artist myself, if I have an idea and I like it sometimes there’s no rhyme or reason. I just like it and I go with it.


Had some thunder eggs like that when I was growing up.

Dad used the rock polisher on them and they looked amazing.

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Nah,just throw in all the pyrophoric in there.

“Because. They. CHOOSE. To. It’s THEIR game, they can create it anyway they choose. Artistic License. They are only limited by their imagination.”


Yes. I have a couple specimens, but none as pretty as these. They get spendy when they’re this well pronounced, unless you rock hound them yourself :pick:


ok, but i just dont understand what the purpose of this would be, though.

Exactly this.

It’s their company, their creative effort and design.

If people don’t like it they don’t have to roll .

I’m not fond of Tauren Lights but I’m not going to come here and raise a stink about it.

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“You are not meant to understand the why of a Creative Mind. Our is but to enjoy the creation. There is no why, just imagination.”


it just seems like the developer time and resources that went into this design could have been better spent in other areas of the game, in my opinion.