Bearded lady dwarves!

Yeah they do

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We already have enough right nowā€¦ accursed drogbarā€¦

Does actually. I made a comment on it before but there is a quest that references it and someone else said it was referenced in the books.


alright, im gonna need to reconsider what race Iā€™m going into the expansion as.


Im sticking mainly with my Undeads but I kinda want to roll one of the new Dwarves

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Iā€™m running one 100% cause wellā€¦ bearded lady dwarves but also cause I am curious what the racials are etc for the race.


Oh cool, I didnā€™t realize that.

Either way, still interesting to see the nod to Lord of the Rings. I think Dragon Age does it too.

Kinda mad the Amazon LotR show didnā€™t give the Queen one. But thatā€™s another discussion, lol


ā€œIf Horde can have them, I want to make one too. Are they going to be a Neutral Race?ā€

I donā€™t know the book but I do remember the quest because it was my first fishing pole, yeah I did a lot of fish as a mage had to. The quest to me didnā€™t matter I just wanted the fishing pole.


Because itā€™s finally catching up to what Blizzard intended years and years ago.


always been a fan of dwarves, Iā€™ve just liked other races more, but stone dwarves look kinda cool

Hey,if that were so why didnā€™t the dwarves have them in the first place?

Never made it into the game til now as being available.

Seeing that was back then could have easily been a crunch getting what they could in the code.

ive never seen that picture anywhere beforeā€¦

why would it be different to code beards on one model instead of the other?

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We truly need archeology back.

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Itā€™s from Lord of the Clans, the point-and-click adventure game that got cancelled when its development was almost finished.

Another fun thing about it is that Thrall was originally intended to kill Deathwing in it.

Ehā€¦nah. Thatā€™s just :nauseated_face:

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Guess what,no one but you is going to make you play one.

Which you donā€™t have to.

I think Gnomes are creepy little buggers and donā€™t feel forced to play one.

No offence to our Gnomish acquaintances here.

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Oh so it was based on a cancelled game,ok.

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