Bearded lady dwarves!

Ok,what’s wrong with this post?

I don’t know… that is a good question.

Maybe hairy moss that looks like hair?

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I’ll be sure to check RIO for what races people play from now on and avoid this.

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Suggestion just place on ignore and appeal this is what happens.

They trolled the thread when they said something didn’t exist and did and it had been shown.


it’s really not a big deal, i dont mind.

And people reacted to it but there isn’t anything wrong with that person post ,off subject a little but not a bad post. He did make a point though,is that point a troll?

Eating stone and lava my guess.

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It’s most like not actually ‘hair’, but some form of plant or fungus grown.

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“Spanish Moss is one that comes to mind. There are a lot of types of moss that can resemble hair. Good thought.”

No because if that was true case then everything in WoW would be related directly to D&D lore.

Even Metzen said years ago if it wasnt for Gygax games like WoW wouldnt have become a thing.

Bearded female dwarves was around with Tolkien and have extended from there even ages before D&D and WoW.

So basically in the fantasy world,this is not unheard of and has been around longer than any of us unless we have actually immortals in the real world which we don’t.

idk what to tell you, i have never heard of this before…

Then go buy some books and look into the full history of the genera. Its there and has been.


im not really interested in doing that, thanks though.

Welp then you have no horse in the race on this this one.


Looks dumb, but nobody’s making me use it, so meh, whatever. I’m more annoyed we get another dwarf race when the current ones are so lacking in customization.

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i certainly do, i am a wow player, so i am allowed to have an opinion on something that is added to the game that i play and pay for through a monthly subscription.


wait there’s more pressing matters, can the allied race have those crystal growths? because they look kinda awesome.

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Tbf, it’s accurate only in Lord of the Rings.

WoW lore doesn’t have bearded women until now.

I’m not mad about the inclusion, I’m just saying.

I have a feeling we’ll be getting a lot of “ROCK AND STONE” memes…