Bear tanks? Give me a break

WoD was still a better success for pvp than this current sit show and I mained horde.

The only reason alliance got so huge was because of the pvp trinket set bonus and how strong EMFH with double dps trinkets were.
Had they did the nerf they introduced for it in legion in WoD, people would have migrated back to horde and it would have equaled out.

Stumble on what?

Not by much. Season 2 was abysmally low participation

Human nature my dude. People only remember the ends of the spectrum, nothing in the middle.

Combine that with the fact that wow players typically prefer the xpac they felt they were the “best” player and you get a player base that will never agree with what they want

I’ll just link this here.

Yeah you are linking things from WoD that was middle of season and now comparing it on end of season current.

At the end of every season is when you start to see what is known as the “title push” it’s when participation is at it’s highest.
You end up seeing an influx of high tier players coming back pushing for r1.
No one was 3k before the push began

Lots of screen caps if you’d like. They’re all the same. It’s called the way back machine.

And there you go posting without actually reading.

I read. You said I posted from middle of the season. Go check it out for yourself.

I know how the way back machine works. It doesn’t have that much archived for arenamate. The SS are from the middle of the seasons when people aren’t really doing arena outside fun or achievements like arena master

Every month has archives. Regardless, 90+% of one faction is absolutely horrible and was my point of that post that wod has the worst faction imbalance for pvp.

Here is the last day of s2 of WoD. And look at that 8k people over 2.2k thats more than the entirety of the rated ladder of current

Carried by EU. Maybe filter to NA and you’d see more of our players now than then.

Bear tanks are OP now and to me, WoD PvP was more fun than any expansion since.

Fine NA still only has 2.2k(ironically) people over 2.2k as of right now. WoD s2 ending was 3k for NA.

Also comparatively EU only has currently 691 total on the rated ladder vs 4.8k in WoD s2 being above 2.2k

So how exactly is current season healthier?

You know that’s not how the wayback machine works right? Try and filter like that and it just jumps back sept 9. It’s just a Screenshot of that day

NA had 1760 during wod. We have 2200 right now. I never said it’s healthier just that it wasn’t a staggering amount healthier.

Notice when you filter that it changes the date of the screenshot. You just have to look at the nov 9th SS and look at the number of NA showing.
The way back machine is just showing screenshots, they aren’t interactive in the practical sense

When you hit that filter and go for NA it jumps to the Sept 9th SS which is a few months from end of season of wod s2

Regardless NA was not as popular as eu pvpers. EU quit in droves far more than NA region. Plus, that faction imbalance is horrid. Don’t think anyone can realistically say otherwise.

I didn’t say the faction balance wasnt bad. However it was 1 race that caused it.

This is a non sequitur. Point is NA s2 wod still had more people at the end when the season is at it’s highest pop than current season does now. So unless 800 people in the next 4 and half days push above 2.2k s2 will beat it

True but I don’t see that as too bad honestly. Not the way you guys used to make pvp populations seem.

Yes, but you have to compound it if its an 800 difference at the high end that equates to exponentially more people under 2.2k.

As well as current xpac has the benefit of people who never even stepped into arenas before, let alone go above 2k, getting that high due to pve gear (like trinkets and the like) are absolutely breaking pvp.