So disgustingly OP, someone please tell me they are getting nerfed in 8.3.
Hi Deathix bumping your new post . Yes nerf the worse tank in mythic raids amd mythic plus
It doesn’t matter how they are in pve.
Unfortunately while your logic is completely flawed, you’re also correct because at the moment almost all of the balancing they’re doing is solely based off raids.
They can and should do separate tuning for PvP and PvE, but they would rather let the meta evolve organically.
They also aren’t high ranked in arena.
Ya its REALLY overpowered, and Blizz would be wise to fix it since class balance does matter.
I have seen Guardians top damage in bgs while being unkillable basically.
I wonder if Guardian would still be as faceroll if tank trinkets were disabled in PvP as they should be?
Some heads up resto shaman spamming purge on all those HoTs and buffs will strip that bear down to its bare fur. Their not so tough then.
It is what it is -meme
Not sure if people think they will incite change posting in the sub forum ,devs don’t read nor care to
Also , these changes require code right? An expense that doesn’t seem to benefit a company built on profit making ( aka pve content and the new expansion)
When has the game ever been balanced separately between PVP and pve for any length of time?
retail class balance ftw.
Tbh, class balance isn’t the best. However, what’s worse is bad faction balance. Both factions have these classes at least.
faction balance will never be fixed it hasnt for 15 years and it will never be but some people still cry about it…lol.
Not 100% no. It’s far better now than 2 expansions ago though.
saw one in the battle for nax with 1000000 hps took 6 of us but we did manage to kill him hard to live through all those stuns
This is just blatantly wrong.
Balance has been better in previous xpacs, way better.
Currently there arent many alliance clearing high lvl content in pve and pvp is severely lacking as well.
Where’s your source?
WoD had more alliande rated pvpers, but horde had more raiders. It actually ended up fairly even across the board because of this. Currently pvp and pve is mostly horde.
That post was about pvp. Also wod was horrible for pve.
Actually those raid designs were amazing, just had them too long.
Also he said 15 years meaning the entirety of the game. Which back in vanilla to early cata, there were servers that were balanced, servers that were horde dominated, and then servers that were alliance dominated.
Easily fixed by several choices of where to go, by going to a server with what you were looking for.
Currently that is not the case.
Look at you stumble. The fact is, class imbalance is bad but both factions have said classes. Faction imbalance is the worst offender, and two expansions ago, faction imbalance was at it’s worst for pvp.