Bear Jaw DKP


Name 1 currency exchange that demands a 500% charge.

Like for real you’re actually cooking.

The fun of BJ DKP is that on paper it seems practical if you ignore the flaws like the fact that you need like 200+ bag slots. Especially going into phase 2 where bids will go up.

Whereas no one is about to pay 100g to get 20g of salt to bid with. Salt DKP just fails on the outset.

There is an easy way around this: trading ANYTHING for a BOP item from a dungeon or raid is against TOS.

Or at least I can let a corrupt system die

Trying to save is just pathetic

so you were using “500%” as a factual amount. Here I thought you were being hyperbolic.

I’m pretty sure the ‘buy’ value is set at 50% the sell value. so if you bought something that was 1s from a vendor, you could sell it back to them for 50c.

What about Bleach.

Is it? Because I looked at “salt DKP” before this post and many of the good high vendor price + high stack size items sell for like 4x. For instance there’s a tradable potion that vendors for 50s and stacks to like 10 but costs like 2g 15s. That seems to be the general trend I’ve seen.

Salt for instance costs 40c and sells for 12.

So good of you to show Blizzard exactly how you guys plan to circumvent the rule they imposed to preserve the spirit of the game.

It’ll be that much easier to add to their solution for tracking GDKP and banning it.

What about Naruto?


Looks to be some combination of denial, anger, and bargaining.

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Funnily enough, you can only fit so many stacks of bear jaws in your inventory, and the raid lead presumably needs to have enough to fit all other 9 (or 39 lol) players’ bear jaw payments.

This is just so hilariously shortsighted lol


This is a troll post Aguy. Have fun with it :slight_smile:

Nobody is gonna be able to organize something like this large scale and have it work.

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It’s going to take off and people will call me the BJ King. :sunglasses::smoking:

Maybe I will need some bleach, or at least some mouth wash.

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Okay you got me, this post is funny af hahah

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I was told a lot of things as well, doesnt make it true.

Please let me know if this takes off, I want in on the BJ meta.

You’re gonna have to require showers, these are WoW players fam.

Yeah it got me lol. I’ll get on board with BJDKP.

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Gonna be real awkward when you finish farming 1000 bear claws and show up for the very first server BJDKP and all 10 people get banned

For my LW, salt is 50c (so Rep does influence; yay!). WoWhead says it’s 40c-56c
so 56c is the high (neutral rep).

don’t know which way they go, but it’s between 21% (56c) and 30% (40c) the buy price.

((Can’t believe I didn’t think to check if WoWhead had the price info
they have everything else! xD))

If you were looking for a serious alternative
Rune Thread stacks in 20 and vendors for 12s 50c each so
you could walk around with 250g (??) in a single stack.

((And holy cow [lolpun] Rune Thread may be the winner
you’d only need like 10 full stacks to cover any of possible items dropped in BFD
and maybe even Gnomer.))

Took me a hot minute to lmao

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Nah, I’m not. Item DKP with vendor bought reagents won’t work, with commodities is vulnerable to market fluctuation, and with tulip mania / %%%%coin you get people running away with the bag.

Pretty sure gdkp is just toast. BJ DKP could work if there were a proper store of value that wasn’t insanely cumbersome to deal with but they just don’t actually exist at any real scale.

How much time did you spend searching in order to find the item to make the acronym you were going for? BJDKP