Bear 10.0.7 nerf

They’re not saying WHY that’s not being done though, and I feel part of the answer is the sentiment “Bears are too easy”.

I see how baseline, passive HP through mastery stacking would be too easy.

Maintaining stacks through defensives and Rage generation, offering the option of choices (Do I press IF for the health or do I Raze for extra damage?) creates complexity, challenge to match difficulty with decisions, while also giving us back our health pools and sort of un-nerfing mastery.

No, it’s more of a holistic measurement. It rolls up all the different parts of the problem into one dumb number.

But it is a compelling number. Bears are pretty fine damage wise. Defensively is where they fall apart. How deep is that hole? Deep enough to fit a prot warrior in it.

so your idea is to nerf the person that worked harder to get 2.8k

If 2 people have the same io one is a bad class and one is a good class.At 2800 io ye pick the better class.
Actually 0 reason to pick a tank that would require more attention and have less utility.


Go away, DK.

lol what?

If the class is “better”, that means the player who reached 2.8 did so with less effort and/or skill required than the other player. Case in point, that troll paladin who couldn’t cut it as a druid. Just like you.

Go play your alt.

Bear is obviously the favoured pick here.
Unfortunately I am unable to play this class to its full potentials. With my lousy skills, I had to rerolled to BDK and now prot pala. It feels much better to play the inferior class, I farm 22-23 after only 3 weeks of lvl 70.
With prot pala, I have 25s wings every 1 min and bubble, ardent defender, light of tyr, GotAK, cheat death to fill the gap. Playing bear I die at the second my 2 min incar runs out.
The last pack in TJS is supposed to a pain in the neck, especially in fortified weeks, but after my prot pala facetanks it like a joke.

i am gearing my prot pala , seems they gonna be great next patch even better , bear still sucks and prob will suck till 10.1 and thats a big maybe , the dev team has no idea how to make bear great again and the disconnection from the community its huge , but since there are a few devs that play prot war and prot paladin well its obvious they are gonna buff their classes.

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Highly recommended, our skills are too bad to play bears. Only experts like Tical can make this sophistitcated class work.
Prot pal feel weak at low gear. Once you have a decent amount of haste, this class becomes awr0ome.

You throwing a temper tantrum because you’re not getting your way is not the same as disconnect.

Tell me you don’t understand how dev and class design works without tell me you don’t know how dev and class design works.

Well if I understand this right, since people were talking about getting 1 shot in 13-16 keys and bears just couldn’t go past that, and warriors are god mode and cannot die…it sounds like the Bear player at 2800 io would be better since just creating a Warrior and logging in should put you at 3500 io

So apparently the bear is the better class

But seriously. Assuming all things equal, you take the better player. General census is that Bears take more work to do well on. So a 2800 io bear and a 2800 io Warrior, the Bear would technically be the more skilled player in all senses.

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You can preach all ya want buddy , bear is bad and that is a fact , im glad there are players that have amazing guild runs and OP healers that can somehow keep em alive , as for me i got a life , i play this game for fun not to show off to strangers i can do x or y thing , all in all if the class is bad and its making it harder for me to progress and if i see the direction the devs are taking is just harming my experience , hell il just go with something that is viable without needing a coordinated guild run since i mostly pug.

i dont enjoy bear in its state and its being my main since BFA my prot war was lvl 50 for the longest but hey , they keep on messing up the class , and all its changes are just detrimental i struggle to progress and then i see warriors 20 ilvl lower outperforming me of course im gonna jump ship.

Bear is BAD thats the general consensus you can preach me all u want " but mon da skilz mon u gotta have da skillz 1337 eepeen " but you are not convincing anyone .

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not at 14+ it isnt.

No need.
We have logs.

Youre parsing low. Thats a skill issue, not a class issue.

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lol buddy i quit bear like a month ago this is far from being my main
bear is bad , the bear community is angry , are you being paid doge coins for copium posts like these ?




Still doesn’t negate the fact that while you were playing, you parsed well below average in keys that bear doesn’t struggle in.

When people complain about the state of guardian……They aren’t talking about you.

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oh no , you pulled some warcraftlogs , rendering my experience and opinion invalid. what am i gonna do ??? wait was this before valor cap ? lmao last record was on january .

Mid Feb, but w/e. Its irrelevant and doesnt change anything.
The reason you struggled with guardian was not class related.

I did an M+16 AV the other day. I used “Decoration of Flame” trink, IF/Brambles with Matted fur and Raze/UF with a TnC proc just before Umbrrslskul hit me with dragon strike for around 370k. UF was about 80k on me at the time of the hit. I also have 21% vers and 480k hp. Bears are fubar atm. After KSM started playing on my war and holy hell I don’t even get healed by the healer 90% of the time and that’s with 7+ stacks of bursting no HP drop at all and far less geared.

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Lol only 370k. I once tried to see how hard that dragonstrike hit without defensive. It was 550k full blow at AV21.
At that moment, I only thought “how tf do bears have enough def cds for this ?”

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It sounds like you survived the hit, so you might be able to self-heal that up fairly well. With talents, bear has quite a lot of self-healing. For example, on a +20 CoS, the entire rest of the group died at 60% health left on the last boss, so I soloed the rest of it, very slowly, from there. Another example, on a +19 HoV, healer and 2 dps died with 50% left on Hyrja, so I and the dps DK (those are nigh unkillable) finished her off from there (there were 2 storm and 3 holy phases). Then we 4-manned Odyn with heals and a dps dying at 90%, surviving through 2 rune phases. Clearly these are cases of failed runs, but the failure was not due to Bear being bad at surviving. Bear is very survivable when dealing with things that don’t global it.

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I don’t need to convince you, there’s proof of bears doing twice your keys that prove you’re just lacking the skill to deal with the class. And there’s no shame in that

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Which is a 54k x2 non-class-specific item (108k absorb). I could see how that creates the buffer to stack 160k worth of Ursoc damage (4-6 globals). To again point out, the total absorb from Ursoc (final tier tank talent) on 5-10s of build time was still 20% LESS than a fire and forget trinket from normal raid.

Are we are both saying the same thing? Ursoc’s Fury is nice but it’s nothing worth writing home about.