Bear 10.0.7 nerf

I’m gonna guess they’re doing this because they figure bear armor will hit very high values by 10.3 (at which point people start complaining about Thorns in pvp). Then, I’ll be possibly delusional, and imagine figuring out how to do this lets them figure out how to add some other buff that has reduced effect for higher stacks of IronFur.

Deva got or right need to nerf guardian druid more and more buff to all other tanks

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Truuuuuuuue. You are the most sensible bear player I know. Bear is too OPed right now, 30s superman mode on 2 min cd, 2 stacks of Lay on Hand on 20s, 30%-50% leech from ursoc and moonfire, 6% vers, and 6% passive DR. Bear is beyond broken, it definitely needs a big nerf.

Nerf Bear ?? Answer this one question. Why is bear the worst tank in-game? with all that you just said .Why is it still not improving ? or maybe you’re implying that guardian players are bad players. If guardian was better than prot pally I would agree but prot pally is doing well in all aspects of the game ,so you won’t see me in the paladin forums posting “Nerf Prot” just saying


He’s trolling you. Just report him and ignore it.


Skill issue detected.
Bear is the favoured pick right now. It should be nerfed.

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You misunderstood that reply.

When I choose the bear, not only do I more often than not meet extremely competent players. It also means I’m less likely to get paired with people like of you. Toxic trash.

Holy moly. In your mind, bear players are more competent and educated while swearing at others by trash.
This is the symptoms of elistism, racism, and delusion, the result of playing an OPed class. Hopefully, you are the unique one in this bear community. Blizzard needs to nerf this noble class to make these players smarter.

Sure glad I ignored this guy and didn’t have to read that reply.

Life is good.


In my own opinion, bears are basically fine. Meme fur build nerf for raid dps balance is whatever. Big dam is not why people play tanks anyway.

The only issue facing bear is their survivability. If that was addressed, bear instantly joins warrior and paladin in A+ or S tier.

Good class fantasy. Interesting offspecs. Chill dps loop. Really, if they had some kind of shield block analogue, they’d be the most fun tank in the game.

My suggestions:

New Talent: Unprovoked Attack - Wild charge cast in bear form also adds 2 stacks of iron fur and casts bash/incap roar on the target

Matted Fur- Changed to: Iron Fur, Barkskin, and Survival Instincts grant you an absorb shield equal to %d of your attack power. This shield absorbs 1/2 of all incoming damage and stacks to 30% of players maximum health.

Predator’s Intimidation - Added to Ursine Adept. While in bear form, any enemy that attacks you from the front and is unnerved, and has a chance equal to your crit chance to deal glancing damage (50%) to you.

Improved Iron Fur - While iron fur is active, Predators Intimidation has a 100% chance to apply.

Mark of Ursol: your armor also applies to magic damage (at a reduced rate) when you have 2 stacks or more of iron fur. When Barskin is active, you take 50% reduced magic damage.

New Talent - Fueled by Carnage: Every 10 rage you spend lowers the CD of Berserk/Incarn and Survival Instincts by 1 second.


Thanks Kaercha!

Really good ideas here!! Its pretty sad that bears literally have only 1 charge effect - that needs to be talented into …

Really like the Wild Charge talent that adds iron fur for prep damage

Good stuff


This is ignore pain, you want bears to have shield block and ignore pain in 1 button for same cost. That’s greedy and boring.
What bear needs is more def cds to rotate, its basic survivability without def cd is same, if not better than other tanks, except prot war obviously. They can have a talent so bear wont lose rage when shift out of bear form. That way you can save your resource for the next pull like other tanks do instead of starting with 20 rage

Not even close. Not even remotely close.

Shield block by itself is better than any defensive in the entire bear kit. As an AM, shield block is insane. 100% uptime on a baseline 50% reduction on all physical damage. With no cap. Before mastery is applied.

Comparing that to iron fur is, it’s not even in the same universe. The proposed changes above, following the general bear theme, are just worse versions of warrior spells.

Wild charge change = shield charge. Except I can’t use it in melee range and takes up my charge, instead of being an entire seepage spell with no minimum range. Also doesn’t give damage bonus
Like SC.

Iron fur changes making iron fur into shield block, except without critical block. And without it increasing any damage abilities. And without adding CDR for our other major defensives. Matted fur, for example, still patently worse than ignore pain, because damage doesn’t refill it.

And so on and so on. Worse versions of warrior spells. Warriors are the standard for survivability. And bears are lacking in a big, big way.


Which is why they’re a bad idea IMO. Keep things separate

No, they’re the pinnacle, which is why everyone wants to be like them.

So between playing a Prot Pally, Prot Warrior, BDK, and Bear, the one things i’ve noticed the most…Bears are resource (not CD) starved. BDK and Prot Warriors are overflowing in RP and Rage. Prot Paladins are by no means hard to manage, but they’re not constantly capped at 5 Holy Power with WoG and SoR being spammed either.

But Bears seem to struggle with having enough Rage themselves to be able to deal damage and keep defensives rolling. Normally it’s not an issue, and choosing between defensives and damage is an alright design for a tank…but dealing damage is meant to be a way to mitigate incoming damage as well, but with Rage costs, we’re not able to do so with every global like other tanks.

Bristling Fur is great to start encounters off, but then midway through, you find yourself back in the same position.

Either increase Rage generation, or lower Rage costs for abilities. Or hell, even make Bristling Fur a passive and lower current amount of rage generated by 50% or even 75% and make it constant.

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Mmm you removed the other half of my sentence from the quote. Prot warrior’s base defense is way superior than others, that’s why I didn’t put it into comparison. But bears’ base defense arent worse than any other tanks, and again, except prot warriors. Bears just lack of def cds to rotate. It’s same stuff for VDH, VDH needs only 1 more def cd to be competitive. But bears, imo, need at least 2 more def cds to be good.

It’s actually about 220% worse.

That’s the delta modifier between the highest keys for any other tank vs bear.

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I hate agreeing with the trolls but this smells too much like Ignore Pain. As a bear, I’d rather just have more max HP to use FR and recover the damage than juggle partial absorbs to a percent health to get back up to literally the same eHP.

Remove the layers of eHP and simply just add max HP. E.g., Ironfur gives 2% max HP per stack.

Bears don’t have time for math!!

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That’s not how you judge base defense though.

All devs have to do is revert some of our previous mastery nerfs to do that.


They’re not saying WHY that’s not being done though, and I feel part of the answer is the sentiment “Bears are too easy”.

I see how baseline, passive HP through mastery stacking would be too easy.

Maintaining stacks through defensives and Rage generation, offering the option of choices (Do I press IF for the health or do I Raze for extra damage?) creates complexity, challenge to match difficulty with decisions, while also giving us back our health pools and sort of un-nerfing mastery.