Be demanding. Whatcha want in 10.0?

You rang???


Adding one more to my list:
Simplified graphics options in Raids for folks like me who constantly lose their cursor and toon position during fights. I have to turn my graphics down to “1” and zoom all the way out just to see what the heck is going on. Even then it’s too frustrating and visually complicated. There are too many flashes and spells when all I want to see is my proximity to the boss and the position we’re both in. Also, the “essentials” spell system setting doesn’t do anything meaningful for me.

Better developers and better work environment.

no retcons to make 10.0 work
class design over haul for classes that need it.
Talent points with depth
Paintings restored
No borrowed power
New spells
New classes (they owe us 2 by now for 10.0)
Restoration of Swifty’s NPC (no I’m not letting that one go after july happened)

I’d go on, but we’re not going to see a single thing off this list being filled

It’s weird but… I’ve wanted things like better PVP system, combat changes, etc. so much for so long now that I don’t think I care anymore :thinking:

Kinda wondering if anyone else feels that way.

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less systems, less currencies, less borrowed power. better and more fluid storyline. fun things… like non necessary whimsical things. player housing. flying. id be open to things like cross faction playing. better things for pvpers (dont know what they want really but i hope they get it). wouldnt mind a new class, but i cringe a bit adding more specs and classes to a game thats already basically impossible to balance.

More race/ class combinations

Night Elf Paladins in particular with a matching racial ability theme would be fantastic.

Human Druids possibly as well

Necromancer could be a fourth Warlock spec, or an entirely new class.

A Warden class would be interesting.

Being able to enhance your overall functionality of your spec would be an interesting dynamic, like enhance an ability to make a new ability out of it.
Like have Arcane Blast change into a stronger form with a different name and look to the spell effect, with different damage but at a cost of an overall change.
Similar to what we have now with some talents and PvP talents but more depth to it.

New dungeons and dungeons added more frequently

More selections added to the existing timewalking dungeons and raids.

More world content, quests that can carry on for awhile but have a deeper element of mystery to them, but can also be spooky. Like going further into the lore of Elune, or further into the draenei’s history.
We still don’t know where Azshara is at either.

I wouldn’t mind seeing the further stories of places like the Lordaeron Kingdom as a whole, like the healing and rebuilding of the “plaguelands”.

We still have other areas of Azeroth to see, maybe putting the follower system to use gathering maps and intel and some character quests will allow us to find a way to travel to it, once you do it on like two characters then it’s unlocked account wide.
Places like the Dragon Isles.

Update the existing pet battle npcs too.

Diving into the Emerald Dream in its entirety and seeing an undisturbed Azeroth could be something too, as well as possibly going back and questing and doing dungeons through a pre sundered Well of Eternity Azeroth, not just the tiny taste we had back in the three Cataclysm dungeons.

Addressing what’s happened with Draenor and Yrel needs to be done, I’m totally fine with there being some huge battles against her Lightbound army that takes us across azeroth throughout patches, both world events and instanced dungeon / raid related gameplay.
Gameplay indicated she had a dark secret, we never did find out what it was, perhaps it’s tied to where she is now.

There’s really so much to get into, and I have plenty more.

Like where do the other dark portals seen across Outland lead to. What about revisiting the Cenarion camp in Blade’s Edge Mountains where that girl mentions she was from England, implying she likely came through a portal.

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More Race:Class Combos.
No new class, new specs instead (where it makes sense)
Cross faction groups (in instanced content)
New Talent Rows (which I suspect might be the current cov abilities)
Mythic+2 available in random dungeon finder.

When I say take us back to Azeroth, I don’t mean an island I’ve never heard of - I mean I want Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms to be relevant again …

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What I want :
New Class
New Races or Allied Races
Cross Faction grouping, raiding, communities, and possibly guilds
A story involving Yrel invading our universe’s Azeroth
Sylvanas’ head on a pike



Dragon zones.
Dragon raids.
Dragon class.
Dragon races.
Dragon story.
Dragon AP (Aspect Power).
Dragon combat (aerial mounted).
Dragon artifacts (customizable drake).

Oh, and dragon housing. Give us customizable lairs. But maybe go ahead and make it race- or class-based. As long as dragons are a race and/or class.

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I want to be any race to be able to play any class. New class order halls like we had in Legion with class/spec weapon artifacts. I’m sure I’ll think of some more to put later.

  • New specs
  • Proper spec balance and reworks for almost every spec
  • Overhaul of talent system
  • Glyphs added back
  • Legendries like SL but not needing to do torghast to be able to get them, and the base items are insanely expensive.
  • New garrisons that double as player housing
  • Good story and lots of it
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Remove store from game. Remove wow tokens and boosts also. Let people who want store to play on different server and buy whatever they want.
Boob slider

I’m just going for broke here, I don’t actually expect any of this.

I want to see them de-cataclyse the world, like, make it heal up and be more like it was pre-cata but with flight and higher res. They could even shuffle all the quests around again to make leveling through Azeroth fresh. That’s what I’d most like to see, but the game is probably too far past it’s prime for that kind of attention.

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Stronger/brighter weapon illusions. Or maybe a bright/dim toggle.

What 10.0 Needs to be a Sucsess.

Cross Faction PvE.
Focus on Azeroth.
Meta Progression available from All content. Raiding, PvP, Mythic +

What I want from 10.0
New Class. (Tinker)
Finally going to Undermine since It was Talked about in WoW’s Early conceptual days.
Deal with some Pre-Established villains instead of Creating a new one. Please.

More 2-way communication with developers, and at the very least, a public vision for what Blizzard wants WoW to be.

Draenei every class.