Be demanding. Whatcha want in 10.0?

Among the usual stuff,

New class
New specs for existing classes
More allied races
New dungeons each patch
Tons more secret items/mounts


New dungeons released on the off-raid patches.
Dyeable armors
The triumphant return of Yrel as leader of the Alliance.
Tater tots.


Give everyone Tail options. Worgen need tails. Vulpera need MORE tails.
and im sure other races may want to have tails too.


Crick elves
Air ships
Boats a la Wind Waker
More Warcraft less trans-dimensional Thanos
Player housing
Solo Q
Factionless dungeon and BGs
Less CRZ
PvP exclusive servers i.e spectator and gladiator world like one big Argent Tournament


WoD PvP gearing system.


Green Eyes for Void Elf cuz we’re literally Blood Elves

More race/class combos via class skins.

Some classes getting a 4th spec where it makes sense, like hunters where Blizz has tried to cram some of old RSV into MM, just break it away and revive old RSV.

More customization options for existing races.

Maybe a new allied race for each faction to bring the number of allied races on par with base races.

Possibly cross faction play, keep the city restrictions in place and all that stuff, but let us group cross faction for PvE.


10.0 all cov based mounts better be usable out the cov you selected or there will be issues in future expansions, no one will want to do covs once we’re past SL

This and class specific elite sets

And cross-faction arena queueing



A PROPER ONE dammit none of that bfa pve warfront weirdness. I want battlegrounds, compound arenas, some sick world pvp.

I remember Blizz posting a job for pvp content so my hopes are up.

Also I want my warlock to quit looking like a priest.

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I want some more attractive outfits to wear.


Is competency too much to ask for?


Stop adding more classes and finish all of the Hertiage sets
Give Worgen tails I mean come on
Solo Ques

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  1. No more daily content required for progression. I want it to be ok to not log on for a few days.

  2. New talent rows.

  3. make all dungeons mega dungeons with hard modes and turn M+ into challenge mode not related to power.

  4. one difficulty of raid with hard modes that are mythic equivalent difficulty.


From my own personal wishlist:

-Ogres as a playable Horde race :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:

-Saurok as a playable Horde race :meat_on_bone::crocodile:

-San’layn as a playable Horde race :wine_glass::bat:

-Saberon as a playable Alliance or Horde race :cut_of_meat::tiger2:

-Kelfin as a playable Horde race :japanese_goblin::trident:

-Sethrak as a playable Alliance or Horde race :snake:

-Dark Rangers as a customization option for Blood Elves :bow_and_arrow:

-Necromancers either as a class or a class skin for Warlocks :skull:

-More character slots per account for Retail

That is all I can think of at the moment. Again, just my own personal wishlist of things I’d like to see eventually become a reality in this game. :smiley:


Bring back archeology


Solo Queue
More “generic” transmog options
The ability to recolor transmog pieces so my outfit can match
Less restrictive transmog requirements
The class/race restrictions removed, if not lessened
The ability to choose from body types based on build
Maybe a few body sliders for things like hair and height
More customization options, especially for Zandalari Trolls.


I’m really not picky or demanding. Just have general expansion stuff and I’m on board. Any other neat new features and perks are extra gravy.

I’d only ask that they don’t do elaborate power systems anymore. Not because I care about them much, but the endless complaints year after year get exhausting to listen to. So keep gear and power simple!

Other than that they can do whatever they want, I’d be happy to play it.

Oh and please stop making reps take half an eternity to level. If it’s not too much to ask :sweat_smile:

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4th specs with things like Rogue tanks, Mage Healers, Holy DPS Priest, etc.

Class specific gear sets and more set bonus style gear spread throughout content.

More content that isn’t just dailies/currency collection.

Epic questlines that aren’t time gated all over the place. Something that is more than 15 minutes a week.

A housing system with a new profession to go along with it.

Gear dye system

An actual glyph interface UI with a ton more customizations for spells/looks.


Restore all the legacy abilities in any old legion or bfa artifact and legendary gear. And if the gear grants a talent that no longer exists, make that talent exist for whoever has that gear…

Maybe time-warp to 21st century Azeroth and make it look like Earth. Give us cars, jets, helicopters, boats, and elevators to ride in, buildings to jump off. Smartphone trinkets.

More outhouses and outhouse usage achievements.

More fishing spots and outhouses in the battlegrounds, warfronts, island expeditions.

Equip each Inn with a few bathrooms.

New classes for lumberjacks and bards.

Is there a real ninja xmog yet besides the halloween wand?

Skateboard and Hoverboard mounts. Jet Skis.

Explosives that can temporaril destroy walls/barriers/terrain obstacles so when you get stuck behind the barrels in Lion’s Pride in, you can blast your way out instead of hearth/suicide. Blowing holes in the back of enemy faction buildings/walls/towns/castles might be fun too.

Ability to dig through ground to mines/tunnels below your feet.

Grappling hooks that work on any terrain, not just grapple hook objects. Well, for everyone, not just that rogue talent.

More distance looting/harveting abilities like the loot-a-rang or the throwable skinning knife.

More vocals to go with exiswting emotes.

Audio/read aloud functionality on any/all/old/new text and quest boxes.

Hide pants. More kinds of underwear purchasable or in barber shops. More kinds of glasses.

Random instant teleport trinket that teleports you to random other place anywhere in the game and has a 20 minute cooldown!!!