BDK Main Tanked 13/13 HC in Full Cloth Gear

and thats the issue overall. When the one or two guilds in the world that can do certain things post their logs and everybody else behaves like thats the norm for the rest of the world.

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you are the second person this year that is part of the fun police . instead of trying to diminish the accomplishment and how some community members have fun by breaking the game , here you are being a downer and how blizzard is not “balancing” wow classic. from all this you are the weakest link

I saw you in the city the other day, looked at your guild/logs/etc. YOur a thick minded fool if u think that - i main tanked LK every week on one of my 3 dks in guild or gdkps. Pally was bis trash/aoe. DK was bis single target threat/mitigation - thats why DKs were able to solo tank and eat soul reapers with the buff? You probly never experienced socause it would require proper cd usage from the tank(you).

Its okay your bad and dont want to improve just admit it instead of blaming others. I wiped there too and didnt use cds as well. I learned. I improved, learn to learn to do the same?

come to think i tanked LK with my prot warrior/feral in ICC25 with the buff bro. Its not even a comparision lol. My bear was in full armor penetration/dps gear too.