BDK Main Tanked 13/13 HC in Full Cloth Gear

Just something funny about class balance in Cataclysm.
try to search on youtube for “I Main Tanked 13/13 HC in Full Cloth Gear” from Riyani

I wonder how this correlates with Blizzard’s statement that they would keep a close eye on the tuning and participation of certain classes before the expansion.

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This is the top .5% That guy is literally number 1 dk in the world. He is the guide writer for wowhead. To think that everyone can do it is not only wrong, its detrimental to the balance of the game. Balancing around what .5% of the playerbase can do hasnt ever worked.


Sure the .1% is going to do things like that. That said it’s not a surprise that cataclysm needs some sort of class balancing in general anyway. But orange item more important.

This is the logic that is very detrimental to the game. Its people that think that because the #1 player of that class can do something that the other 5000+ players are going to do the same thing. This argument has been used for argue that feral druids dont need a buff because the #1 player will be insane damage. The game is tuned around the average player not the top 5% of the player base let alone the #1 player in the world.

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Bump for the non DK copers like the first comment. dudes out of his mind if he actually believes that. Balance is dog sht cause thy jump to last patch of expansion and have no real idea of tuning as the game never ran that way until DS gear. Substats of items make some classes better this is common sense and why classes change top dps often. Literally made every class irrelevant for tanking for an entire expansion besides blood.

bunch of low iq devs tryna make tanks quit. Who wants to play a game when 3/4 of your fav classes are irrelevant?

BUt Butthurt nubs who need a handicap to play a 20y.o game like @isodk exist so unlucky. Like the OP we all know how BS this is, you’d have more tanks players again if they balanced them… but keep arguing with OP’s instead of the devs that can literally just apply the death strike ability to heal to victory rush/ lower word of glory cd etc. there are very easy ways to balance and make them COMPARABLE at the least.

Why should they start with tanking balance now? Anyway, who cares? If you want to play a class/spec play it. If you’re unable to play the way you want because of those choices, play something else, or play a different game.


So your idea of balance is to make the other 3 tanks more OP than BDK?

Classic balance is a joke anyway, especially for tanks. BDK has been the meta since WLK and is still meta in CATA, while prot warrior has been F tier for past 2 years.

I remember checking logs for HLK kills, there were like 5 prot warrior 200 prot pallies and 300 blood DKS.

The only real balance Blizzard did for whole 2 years was feral glyph, which probably took 5 minutes to add into the game.

That is also why alot of players dont think feral need a buff is because they got that balance change in wotlk.

They think that because they got a good class balance in WoTLK that its ok that Frost mages are currently beating feral in damage and they should continue to be F tier damage.

Yea, IMHO the glyph should be added back into the game, feral is like beyond F tier.

Also buff prot warrior, they are non-existent in raid other than a few forced by RL to tank nef adds.

Heroic bosses die so fast with high dps that it doesnt matter what armor you wear so long as you have stam/mastery stats. All cloth gear has those stats. It was a group setup specifically to push a meme.

People see the self-sustain of BDK and think it is OP, when BDKs objectively take much more dmg than other tanks. Scotteyejay made a video with MoP self-heal suggestions but that is not the problem. BDKs trade off not having block for having dmg abosrbs. Those two mechanics roughly work out to be rather even in dmg mitigation overall. The only real problem with BDK is their dmg. They just do significantly more dmg than other tanks, which is the real reason raids bring them as MT over others.


Doesn’t matter what version of the game it is, people always forget this part.

They definitely don’t take more damage than prot pala or warrior, they have more defensives, oh and they heal themselves+mastery bubble. They’re taking like 8% more than a feral ot at worst, while having all of the above in their favor.

Are you sure about that?

Damage Taken - Omnotron Defense System Heroic (25 Player) Kill (7:25 AM) - Report: TotFW / BWD / BoT | Warcraft Logs Classic

BDK taking more damage than a prot paladin.

Damage Taken - 만능골렘 방어 시스템 Heroic (25 Player) Kill (10:59 PM) - Report: TotFW / BWD / BoT | Warcraft Logs Classic

BDK taking more damage than a prot warrior.

Then you factor the absorbs, ok the Paladin is on par, but the warrior isn’t.

Also, you’re forgetting none of these high parsing groups are bringing a blood dk that’s actually itemizing/gemming/enchanting for max survivability. The numbers are this close and the blood dk is getting hit/expertise soft-caps, wearing dps gear, etc.

Warrior literally doesn’t itemize for dps stats (I have 0.65% hit atm), unless your healers and dps are absolute blasters. You can’t, you literally disintegrate.

Mb, the second link took me to nef on the first click, was hella confused why you were using 2 different fights.

The second link, the DK has 1729 haste bro… He was averaging 2k DTPS more than the warrior. Do you have any idea how wide the gap is when a dk stacks mastery/dodge?

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That’s Omnitron Defense System, not Nef.

How wide? Because the loss of haste would mean less death strikes since rune regen would be slower.


Doesn’t matter, look at his healing/shielding, he had very little actual healing on the log, that’s because he has very little mastery. I’ve seen dk’s with over 11k HPS. He had 7k.

Haste is itemized because they already have high crit rate on death strike (he had 46% btw) so it’s their most efficient stat for increasing their dps (spam more death strikes that are likely to crit)

Damage Taken - Shannox Heroic (25 Player) Kill (10:57 AM) - Report: 2024-11-07 CB FIRELAND PROG | Warcraft Logs Classic

Well there’s this which is from today, warrior tank only taking half the damage of the BDK before mitigation, and the BDK topped the healing.

But the warrior is only taking the adds, so bad choice of log for me lol.

Were paladins and warriors able to block cap in T11 or does that happen this tier?

Only in T13 with current scaling. And realistically only towards BiS… so CTC happens when everyone stops caring and it stops mattering. You could IN THEORY, reach CTC with T12, but you’d give up way too much stamina to ever get actual value out of it. Atleast for warrior, idk how bad pala has it but I imagine they’re in a similar boat.