BC servers MUST have enforced faction balance

That’s exactly how it happened on pservers.

It will never happen… They refuse to even enforce que times for overpopulated factions.

Blizzards sollution to the problem they created will be PAID FACTION TRANSFERS.

Just like now if they give free character transfers to decent realms they ruin them on purpose so you can use their paid character transfer service.

You don’t think it is a little odd the transfer cooldown is only 90 days instead of 6 months like it was in vanilla?

If Blizzard ever wanted to solve the faction problem, they could have at some point in the last 15 years. It makes a lot more money to ignore it.

That’s a good point, actually.

I originally predicted the first wave of paid transfers would happen at a time that coincided with the first wave of 3 - 6 month subscription renewals.

Staggering them by 90 days sort of keeps players who hate the game chasing that eternal dream of finding what they want.

I wonder if 3 month subscriptions are the most commonly purchased subs in the game.

There is honor
But honor is a currency. You just spend it on gear
Rank is Arena rating.
Or something like that.


I am honestly not familiar enough with TBCs honor token system to know whether it’s relevant or not, will have to look into it.

Briefly looking into it the only level 70 rewards that involve honor tokens are considered twink rewards, and arena is where any relevant end game gear is won.

Maybe someone can chime in on this and explain it.

I don’t believe they will do anything, but I have grown to like the idea of a faction queue rather than shutting off servers like that.

Taking that idea a step further they could even have a “waiting” layer so that people in the faction queue can actually play the game while waiting to enter the main layer that contains both factions.


True, but since I play alliance the battleground ques will never be a problem for me. Also Alliance RMP is very strong, perhaps not quite as good as undead rmp, but damn good because we can stomp their rogue before he can sap or open. Its strong enough an option that blizzard nerfed it in Wrath because LOL humans cant be good in PVP, must nerf now! Lets give them a free PVP trinket, that cant possibly go wrong, oh wait, PVE trinkets LOL suckers.


Sure it would, because either way faction balance would be maintained.

They really don’t, and they won’t.

IIRC honor points were just the cash you earned to buy the PVP gear.
So you did arenas to rank up high enough to get the good gear, and BG’s were just to earn the cash to buy it

it’s been a long time though, i may have forgotten part of it, or confused part with wrath etc


Lol what? Why?

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All depends on widescale player reaction.
Worst case scenario, you have a PVP realm for 10 people total due to people boycotting the forced balance.

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It might be better if they showed the number of accounts on a server, and the percentage of Horde/Alliance. That way players can weigh the pros and cons of a particular server and make an informed choice.


They wont, embrace the 1 faction expansion to come. The only annoying part is going to be getting PvP off pieces when battlegrounds are not content

honor points for battlegrounds gear, and Conquest points from Arena participation, Rating increased your conquest points and opens up your options for arena gear. Different ratings tiers have different item unlocks, its a skill based system, not perfect but decent.

Battlegrounds gear is very competitive, but not quite as good because its last seasons gear excluding season 1 battlegrounds gear.

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ill still play alliance even if that means I dont get to raid because my friends switch back to horde, most of my firends came from horde, and most of them are actually really cool guys, but horde has never been my thing.

I don’t think Blizz will ever be that heavy handed. Straight up telling people they can’t play what they want? Nah, not going to happen.


If anything we confirmed in classic how little importance there is to server faction balance. Almost all of actual pvp is done in BGs and world pvp was no where to be found in p1 and was basically gone when BGs came out, the only time people actually did world pvp was when it was the only option that gave a reward…

Also servers are limited by the number of people on them so massively imbalanced servers are actually beneficial to every non world pvp aspect and as we saw again with classic wpvp is not real.

More people on one faction means more people to group with and more guilds to join, if your guild isnt right for you there are more options…

Might be that the reason retail and classic all tend to lead to imbalanced factions instead of balanced realms is because there are MORE benefits to imbalance than to balance.


It would work by trying to force players to do something they don’t want to do or they can’t play. That’s about the stupidest thing a company can do to its player base. Thankfully, those at Blizzard are a lot smarter than this.

Stick to playing games, and not trying to design them.