I first encountered this problem well over 6 and a half months ago and had a support ticket nearly 15 replies long trying to fix the issue with no solution in sight.
Every single GM that replied to my ticket would just plainly tell me to go to the forums/support page and figure it out for myself, then mark the ticket as answered before I could even reply. Not a single one of them gave a crap about the issue or the fact that I have spent the last 6 months and three weeks trying to fix the issue so that I may play again.
I have played this game for over 16 years and never in all of that time has there ever been such a blatant disregard for customers and the integrity of the very product they profit off of. This game has run perfectly fine on macintosh computers for well over a decade and a half.(I would know I only played it on Mac) Now there are outages for hundreds of thousands of players on mac being told THEY have to fix BLIZZARDS product in order to continue playing.
And trust me I tried, from system menu bar, terminal, factory reset, hardware diagnostics/repair, administrator run, compatibility mode, disk utility repairs, injecting lines of code off the forum/support pages directly into the computer, deleting, duplicating, compressing, etc. Checking file integrity’s, I have quite literally spent 6 months and three weeks searching for an answer that isn’t BUY A NEW PC JUST TO PLAY WOW.
Im at my wit’s end here and seriously contemplating retiring this game all together and moving on. Its probably for the best considering the time and money sink this game can be but I do truly love it.
If anyone has a solid method to fix this that is not just me buying a brand new pc just to play wow Id appreciate it, though given the thorough extent to which I exhausted all known solutions, I am not exactly holding out hope for a fix at this point.