
I am trying to work this out in my head, so bear with me.

October 1st, I lost my father. He was a very devout WoW player, especially after he was disabled. Not much to do when you are on disability. There is a lot I carry with me through this game that reminds me of him. That being said, I need to ask Blizzard for a favor.

My dad had a lot of characters that are iconic to our little family guild. Characters I would love to see get played again. I, however, would not like to pay for two accounts. I would like to see if Blizzard could open up character transfers between accounts so I can get some of his characters moved to the accounts of other family members who still play.

This way, my father gets to continue his journey, albeit, through others.

Unfortunately thats no longer possible due to warbands and likely wont change and gms cant circumvent that.


You’ll want to either edit and move this, or start a new thread in a different forum. Suggestions aren’t taken here unfortunately. General would be your best bet. You could also make the suggestion in game.

Like Darth said, at the moment there is no way to move a character from one Bnet to another and no way for Support to do so as well. This was disabled a bit before TWW launched with the Warbands update.

I’m sure your dad is very glad to see how much joy his characters brought to you all. I know it isn’t the same, but could you make a tribute character with a similar name on your account to help the legacy live on for now?

It sounds like you have access but if the account isn’t in your name, I’d suggest getting that updated. Below is a guide to help. This way you can keep the account active enough so the names don’t get released in a few years if they are important to you.