forum format

I feel sorry for anyone that tries to stalk me. Poor soul would be bored to tears.


If people stop posting about it, then Blizz will think everyone stopped caring. Which may make Blizz stop discussing using Btags for the fora.


It was by request of this guy to prove a point:

It’s getting spammy though. A thread about How bad Niffin are had to die for this :rofl:


You didn’t prove your point. You just proved it was possible which I already knew. I am asking for proof that this happens as much as you say.


Also continual discussion on the forums about it is no different then people requesting Natural void elf appearances.

Basically a push for blizz to do an action. Only difference is 1 thread being up instead of 5 every day.

Oh, so your asking for proof that happens daily then. Look up the race request threads.


Yeah same.

The good part about Btags it they really can’t stalk someone with it. Not unless a person actually uses their real name as their Btag, or uses their Btag to post personal information that can be linked to them. A coupe of “internet 101” rules that most folks know not to do.

Btags are totally under your control, can be changed, and do NOT allow anyone to contact you, add you, or see what games you are in - without your express permission. Further, the Decline and Block option is a single click from the request menu in the Bnet app.

In the 10+ years now that I have been posting in green with my Btag on the other Blizz forums, I have yet to be harassed via Btags. Almost nobody ever even sends a friend request. All the harassment is limited to actual forum posts. Yes, that is pretty bad and has included real life threats, sexual harassment, slurs, insults, etc… but it is just forums and easily reported and blocked.

I can promise you some of us have been reminding them every few days for years now. The people we can remind are not in charge of the forum software though so that gets a bit frustrating for all of us.

I LIKE our sniffin Niffin friends! I also just want Myrrit to be happy again.


Agreed. People complained for several years on end about bringing vanilla back too. Now we have Classic. Probably never would have happened if not for the persistence.


We need battletag player housing for worgen tail waggles.


People did more then whine on the forums for Classic WoW like the former team lead delivering a petition with 200k signatures to Blizzard HQ. I doubt anyone cares enough about Btags to do anything outside of whine on the forums.


You still came into your own where you complain about people doing that you nulled out your own post there

So you don’t want me to prove stuff?

That is all I’m getting at here. other then needless whining about someone proving stuff.

If you want to see results take the topic to Twitter.


I used to be in favor of btags, but now I’d rather just see the forums closed permanently like some other places are doing. If they don’t want to bring this building up to code, it should be condemned and scheduled for demolition.


Can you imagine if it did and we all moved to the WoW Discord?
I can’t even imagine how bad it would be to have all of us shifted there.
Absolute chaos lol. Or, go to Reddit but that’s already a circus lol.

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Nothing particularly.
What Greatbrae is actually asking for is Battletags be attached to the WoW forums like all the other Blizzard Forumsa are.

Quite a few of us have been asking for this but in a way that people can still change toons to fit certain threads. Examples would be class discussion threads or fun show your transmog or show your race or class threads.

The idea of adding Battle tags is that it would tie a persons toons to one account making it so all likes are tied together (preventing people from alt hopping to like ones own post , all flags are tied together (preventing a single person from alt hopping to flag posts.) ,prevents people hopping on alts to skew polls (see recent one) and one of the biggest things it does is allowes players to put entire accounts on ignore which stops those being ignored from alt hopping to bypass said ignore.

Oh I almost forgot as a bonus with btags attached when ever a person switches to a different toon say for one of the above reasons I gave their post count does not reset or go to a different count based on the toon but is the same account wide as well as trust level.

Here is an example of what some of us want


2194 posts

70 Mag’har Orc Hunter22990

Weidmann #11645


Problem is a person can add you as a friend with char-server without you knowing and stalk . The better thing to do is remove that option and keep the btag one .
Keeping the btag option ensures that people can determine for themselves if the person requesting is someone they want to befriend and if not it allows the person being requested the ability to block the entire account of the one asking.


If I’m reading this setting right, that option kind of already exists.

The issue here is just with the format of how it is designed here.

Originally the WoW forums were going to have btags displayed and the Discourse software is designed for it but decided on using the char-server format which in the end result has some unintended affects like your character being your separate account here, such as your post history not being shared, trust level, etc.

I dont have an issue with folks swapping alts here in the forums as long as they are transparent about it, what I have an issue with is when some folks try to pretend to different person, try to inflate their post with likes by giving a false census that people are actually in agreement with something but when you look in the replies, they are so against it or post content that would be worthy of getting 404’d out of existence.

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As a pro-btagger myself, I don’t see a purpose of making the same thread, considering it will fall under the same fate as the ones before this.

You still have the same type of deal, one side keeps spreading misinformation, no matter how hard you try to correct them, they still do it and eventually it will get toxic enough from one or both sides to warrant a thread getting locked or 404’d and at the same time its coming across as spam.

If this thread is still going places, then I guess its fine but atleast keep the tempo of not feeding some individuals who are not really interested in the discussion but interested of getting the thread shut down and dont start slinging mud.