forum format

Because I know it doesn’t.

I had a regular on the GD follow me around from thread to thread with new alts because they knew as soon as I found out who they were, I put them on ignore. I think I ignored roughly 7 or 8 of their alts before I finally threatened them with opening a ticket for harassment.

If they only posted with their btag I could have ignored them forever one time instead of 7 to 8 times.

I’m pretty sure I’m still bothered by them but they’re just sneakier about it. I’ll be a thread and 10 people will say the same thing I do but for some strange reason, when I say it some random I have never talked to will jump down my throat and ignore the other 10 people that said the exact same thing.


I don’t see you going away either. I find the accusations against those if us who support of Battle Tags to be insulting and spurious. It’s been attempt after attempt to goad people into lashing back. Thank goodness it’s being ignored.
I really believe for the good health of this forum Battle tags would be helpful and useful. I’m sorry that some people are opposing because they’re imagining things that can’t come to pass.
It’s one thing to make a logical point in opposition, and some of those have been made, it’s another thing to make posts that are just mean spirited with no logic at all.


So this topic is spam, but asking for LFD in classic isn’t, when there have been way more threads about that?


you who tryed to turn my other topic in to another new btag one is complaining?


What these threads have shown is that the mods need to think about how they handle these threads, because they are allowing the hecklers veto to be a problem.


The reason why there aren’t many people on the forums and there is little forum activity is that not so many people are interested in discussing World of Warcraft anymore, because fewer people are playing it. Same thing is happening on Twitch and Youtube, where they get fewer views to WoW videos than other games.

The forums are barely moderated. That’s what needs to change.

The player who used to complain about being impersonated doesn’t appear to be playing anymore. I always suspected it was performance art on their part to pretend they were being attacked by somebody else’s alts while actually starting lots of forum alts and posting crazy stuff themselves.

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As person B they’ve befriended you or someone else on your friends list, so they’re not a stranger.

Opening up an avenue to track you.

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If you don’t know the person, why are you accepting that request?

I had random friend request on steam some long time ago, did I accept them? no because I took a random friend request for what it is and just decline?

Just take a random friend request that you don’t know for what it is man and decline it, Its a you problem that you are accepting random friend requests from people you don’t even know.

Other Blizzard forums have been using btags and there hasn’t been any sort of avenues of disruption?

I would ask for citation without resorting to “Just trust me bro” or some vague statement but considering you in the 3 mega threads of this topic (First pro-btag thread, anti-btag thread by khrog and the locked pro-btag thread), its pointless to ask for citation because you would be like “Just trust me bro” or make a vague statement rather then explain how btags will cause this.


Did you know that there is currently a group of players, dedicated to getting players killed on Hardcore Classic just to boast about the rise they get out of people?

I don’t think it’s a good idea to give them access to public Btags, particularly since that group emerged organically from this community.

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Assuming that would be the case, as if they’re clever enough they could appear as a totally different person who could befriend on the group of hmmm…raiding? Running keystones?

Depends how elaborate a show they need to put on to win someone’s trust, to have that request on the dummy account accepted.

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Here’s a perfect example. I am not sure who to blame. I expect players to be grown adults and not act so childish but how they act on the forums proves me wrong. Battletags are just going to be used as ammo. Anyone who has frequent these forums should know people will find a way to harass anyone at any cost. It’s particularly bad on these forums because other ones are not like this.

The forum is a poor, unattended, unsupervised daycare filled with man children.


That’s nice. People have personal values. And some won’t use the forum if that goes in is all. And that’s not for you to dictate other’s values.

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Well, one of the steps in creating your account is agreeing to this policy, and you have to re-agree to it every time it gets updated in order to keep playing the game.

If Blizzard’s privacy policy goes against your personal values and you no longer wish to be bound by it, you have to delete your entire account.


You’re right, but it is not for you to dictate on Blizzard’s decission on what BTags are, or what is private or public within any of Blizzard platforms.


Mental abuse is harmful.

Meanwhile, people are trying dictate on what alts people post on. There was a comment where a blue even said if you were being harassed or stalked then you’re free to alt switch. In their mind, it is fine to alt switch so as long as you’re not causing any trouble, of course. If you all stop caring so much about what people post on and maybe your experiences on the World of Warcraft forums will be better. I’m under the impression most of you are just alts talking to each other anyways. It’s always the same 5 people crying over and over desperately shoving the tags down our throats. The entire forums are sick of you BTaggers because you won’t just stop which is why these keep getting deleted, and rightfully so.


Nor are most of us. We want to be able to stop trolls from using sockpuppets to circumvent our forum ignores.

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The problem is, there is people who chose to switch alts to sock puppet on the forums. And on top of that, people abusing forum privileges such as mass flagging using alts for an example.

I don’t want to see peoples characters taken away to where they are just posting from there BTag, but at the same time, I rather be one person with 1 account, not 160 accounts or what ever amount of alts people chose to have.

Yeah, people entering threads to cause trouble, pick fights are the one sided argument… NOT!

Oh no, I disagree with people, so they are crying now.


+1 for Btags :grinning:


So much hyperbole it’s kind of humorous.
No wonder it was liked by a forum troll.