Battlenet Client doesn't Stay Logged IN

I have keep me logged in selected in my Battlenet Client.

But frequently when I wake my computer up the client will either have dropped me back to login screen or it will be stuck spinning on Connecting… and I have to manually logout and log back in.

This kind of defeats the purpose of the keep me logged in option.

I did find a thread in the Beta app launcher forum, but no solution. My only thought is to close the launcher, and make sure it is not running in the background, then restart it when you wake up the PC. Does it do the same if you restart the PC?

The app launcher itself does have a different forum on Bnet,

Yes this has been a repeating problem for awhile just never got annoyed enough to make a post about, I’ll try that forum too thanks.

This was the thread I found.

Yeah so basically sounds like it’s been an ongoing problem for over a year and blizzard hasn’t cared enough to fix it.

I rarely put my PC in sleep mode, opting to shut down. The app does log in fine on start up on fresh power up, but I don’t know about wake to sleep mode.

I have had issues after a fresh reboot it’s just less common, since I seldom reboot and the issue itself is intermittent.

I sleep my computer everyday, but I cannot recreate this issue and have never run into it. I’m guessing some other apps are interfering with sleep, or the memory where the process is being stored. Is the directory read only?

It’s a bug in bnet it’s I guess just no high priority.

Nothing about my bnet install has changed other than bnet patches.

If you’re running Windows, your operating system has likely changed a bit. There have been two updates in the last month.

Right but if that impacted the bnet client it’s still because of the bnet client.

My steam client is fine so there’s obviously not a general issue with keep me logged in options that is windows falt.

Right, but you’re the only one with thise symptoms, so it’s not a general bug in the client either.

Except I’m not I posted the same issue on the bnet forum itself and they confirmed it’s a known issue.

That was another player who commented, so I wouldn’t called it confirmed. I’ve seen maybe two other posts about it recently.

I don’t disagree it’s obviously an intermittent issue blizzard doesn’t really care about.

Which is about what I’ve come to expect they broke something simple and won’t fix it

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