Account country/region change problem


I recently moved from Brazil to the United States and am trying to change my account country/region. I tried using the automated country/region change self-service, but it says, We could not complete your country/region change request due to the Balance remaining on the account.

I have R$0.94 on the account and cannot spend R$0.94 or zero out the balance. The next option was to contact support for assistance, and the response was, We have received your request to change the registered country for this account. However, we aren’t able to apply it as you are using a VPN to contact us.

I am confused regarding the mention of a VPN, as I am not using one. I’m connected to my home Wi-Fi through CenturyLink in Florida and haven’t changed my network setup.

Any help would be greatly appreciated as I cannot purchase game time with my American credit card while the account is in the Brazilian region.

I think billing thinks it’s vpn due to your address on file and ip not matching yourticket. Your account should already be in the us region, did you change your billing adress instead?


You should be able to change your country, you’ll would lose your balance if it is above what is allowed, according to this support article.


Your current ticket is already assigned, Bad.

I’d wait for a response on that.


@Ayukama The article contradicts itself. It states that you must spend any remaining balance before changing your country and that any remaining balance will be lost. To me, this suggests that you don’t need to zero out the balance if you’re willing to lose it. However, the support ticket indicates that I can’t change countries because of the remaining balance on my account.

@Orlyia I understand, and I agree—it’s frustrating. I’ve been dealing with this issue for a month now, and all I’ve received are vague responses with no real answers or solutions. There’s been no explanation for why I can’t change my country/region, despite providing my energy bill with my full name and address.

A month ago, I tried to change my country/region, and I was told I was using a VPN. When I clarified that I wasn’t, I received what felt like a harsh response, warning me that my ability to open support tickets could be restricted for reopening the ticket just to explain that I wasn’t using a VPN. They told me to wait a couple of weeks and try again, so I did, but I got the same response: “we can’t change your country/region because you’re contacting us using a VPN,” which isn’t true. I understand that if my account address is in Brazil but my support ticket is coming from Florida, they might assume I’m using a VPN, but that shouldn’t be the assumption. I’m clearly trying to change my country because I no longer live in Brazil.

@Kozzae My account is not already in the US region; I created it 15 years ago in Brazil.

I can understand the confusion with my ticket being from the United States while my account address is still in Brazil. However, this seems like a common issue for someone who has moved to a new country, and it’s not possible to change the address until the country on the account is updated. Additionally, when contacting support from my new home country, the IP address will show the country I’m trying to change to, which won’t match the country I originally moved from.

I added my new address to my address book, but I can’t set it as my Primary address. When I try to edit my Primary address, it remains locked to Brazil.

Brazil is part of the US/ north America region

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It is and not at the same time. Think this is more over problem with payment and money since the account shows brazil but he is now in the us.

Like the problems us and eu players have playing outside their region. Things like tokens for gold you can not buy

I think this can be closed, as I am not sure if someone from Customer Support saw this, but they were able to help me get my country changed. If Blizzard Customer Support is reading this, thank you, thank you, thank you! I truly appreciate your help.


Glad to hear you got it sorted, Bad.