Battlegrounds are Garbage

Let factions play together. The last like 7 expansions always has Horde and Alliance teamed up against a common foe anyway.

You can already queue into your own faction.

You can already transform into a member of the opposite faction.

The “muh inmersion” ship sailed expacs ago for pvp.


Randoms are now a currency dispensing mechanism where highly geared players can go to afk for free stuff.

I’m done with bg all together nerf rogue and have some type of balancing so sick of this never pvping again might even can’t sus

gear isn’t why you’re being demolished in randoms


I agree use to love WOW PVP absolute garbage now. Me and my small group of friends have been playing WOW since BC together did all the pvp together too, arena, bags.

Now none of my friends want anything to do with pvp.

They have turned into cesspool of sh@t

yeah that got old real quick.

when they finally released an expansion based on faction conflict it was awful, gg bfa, gfg.

As a healer, yes, they’ll take you.

5 people working together will always smash 10 random people fighting in the road and yelling at each other in chat.

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depends on the discrepancy between ilvl and spec at this point. a pack of geared mongo rets could easily savage a pack of 5 coordinated players lol

What free stuff specifically are you under the impression high geared folks are earning from unranked pvp?

They are getting honor there. Do you play? Honor is no longer necessary to upgrade gear?

That’s why low brackets are full of max level players who do 70% more dps than the top player actually in that bracket.

I actually don’t pvp, I stick to raiding and mythics.

True, which is why they should probably just put an ilvl cap for random bg’s.

rated bg’s honestly they feel more random then quick match bgs. And there should be mr for quick matches that way you can gear through bgs without getting stomped and giving up entirely it takes a long time to farm that honor.

I am hijacking this thread for eye of the storm awareness .

Please remove the quick match version of eots and put in the rated version with flags that you can cap.



They can merc if it’s that bad.

lvl 60 twinks farming lvl 60 non-twinks. Maybe the conq geared twinks should be put into their own bracket?


I support this. it would destroy queue times but it would also (in theory) group players of similar experience together making random BGs more enjoyable.

WOW PVP is at its worst it’s ever been.

They have been in dire need of MMR for along time.

People have begged for it for years.

They give the same LIP SERVICE as always change nothing.

You are doing nothing more then flagging a dead equestrian they are going to FIX NOTHING just like always

Use to love WOW PVP would play 8 hours pvp none stop then the Horde unbalanced happened large groups of good pvpers went Horde been garbage ever since.

BLIZZ don’t care about battlegrounds they won’t even go in an patch the Bgs that are currently broken.