Battlegrounds are Garbage

Which patch? I don’t see anything regarding pvp gear.

not really. people have large egos (for no reason). they will decline you instantly if you aren’t on the most broken class.

It’s speculation. Nothing official.

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Wonderful. Guess I’ll continue to get slaughtered on low ilvl alts

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Not really. Battlegrounds are what’s keeping a lot of people subbed, including myself.

The gear disparity goes both ways and you can’t implement what you’re asking in a game like this one, the queue times would be impossible for horde.

With that said, I see horde premades a lot more often than alliance premades but we get near instant queues.

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Lol I only queue horde so I have geared players on my team
Ilvl weighted matchmaking would be fantastic while merc would correct any queue imbalance

Yes! Give players rating based on their individual play, how many caps, returns, defends, kills, etc…

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So not only do you want MMR in random quick patches (aka practice mode), but you want to punish people that sit bases and do no damage or don’t get an interaction?

These are all terrible ideas. Just fix the gearing, if you want rated play, then play rated games.


You are defending a node thats good. Why are they terrible ideas because you don’t like them?

They are terrible because you are asking to put MMR on random quick matches. They are practice mode. It would take Horde queue times and sky rocket them, and Alliance would be facing longer queues as well.

There already exists rated bgs for rated play. All you’ve done is implement a crappy soloQ for no rewards, and removed the ability to play with friends that aren’t same CR or ilvl as you, and jacked queue times.


I would gladly wait up to an hour for a well balanced match! :lying_face:

No you won’t, and you can get an equal MMR match in rated already.


Sure I would! :lying_face: I only play this game since it’s more skill based than like the FPS and MOBA genres.

Close thread, OP doesn’t know what he’s talking about.


Not sure how you think FPS or MOBAs where everyone has access to same builds/players/gear is less skillful than WoW where you have hard counters and gearing. WoW isn’t exactly the pinnacle of E-Sports here.

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It’s by far one of the best though.

That may be your subjective opinion, but it is miles and miles behind objectively than other E-sports in terms of viewership, prize pools, and player base.

That’s because wow is complicated to watch and has a huge barrier to entry. It’s not something you can just pick up and play, it requires you to fully build a character then find a team and then maybe get 10 games in, Random BGs are not a good representation of what PVP is like.

I think it’s perfectly normal that you’re envious of the current e-sport WoW players. I am too! :lying_face:

I think anyone can improve though, so maybe one day!