Era is all gdkps, they are all running 3-5 toons weekly.
Yes, it is, i didnt do arenas on a my mage.
If i do arenas i heal.
Era is all gdkps, they are all running 3-5 toons weekly.
Yes, it is, i didnt do arenas on a my mage.
If i do arenas i heal.
We on fresh my brother. Zero GDKPs.
And yeah, I can tell. Its easier to play healer and get carried than play your main class mage.
Its okay bro, not everyone is as good as me in arena.
there are alot of guides on youtube that can help you in arena
I dont have a “main” class.
I play a variety of classes.
If i said i was a hunter you would of said its easy to get carried, no matter what i said i played you would of responded that way.
Oh youre Frosstfire.
Cant imagine being on the forums 24 hours a day and being bad at the game. thats wild.
Youre the 1 hiding.
Cant imagine being on the forums 24 hours a day and being bad at the game. thats really wild.
Let me guess. K4M4L4 Voter?
I cant imagine being a grown man and being so insecure you have to hide your video game character from the mean people on the forums.
Let me guess 3 inches?
You cant answer questions, Typical PVE K4M4L4 voter wannabe who spends 24hrs a day on wowforums
You cant answer questions, typical grown man with a 3 incher, youre a wannabe who hides and pretends hes good on the wowforums.
It’s funny how you assume I’m someone else. It means you have enemies here. Lmao. What would your life be without WOWFORUMS
Youre losing this convo my guy
You ever got elite sets in WOTLK/CATA?
Its funny you have a 3 incher, when your wife tells you size doesnt matter let me be the first to tell you shes lying.
What would your life be without lying on the forums?
K4M4L4 voter always thinking of peoples 3 inchers. Lmao
3 inches unbuffed. Fully buffed 7.
You will always be bad the game.
So I win
If it makes you feel any better Trump is prolly hung like a light switch too, just like you.
-loses argument
-begins thinking of opponents weeners
Youre the only 1 who lost anything here lmfao.
You were wrong, got called out, then moved the goal post so far away i cant even see it with binoculars.
All i said was your bad at the game, Lol? and that sod is dying. Its in it’s last phase
Everything I said was facts
No you said sod was “dead” yet its more populated than era and fresh combined.
This is what i called you out on.
Now youre making up the argument lmfao.
It’s dead because people have 8 alts. Myself included. Its so easy to level, its like a minigame.
from best to worse
You wouldn’t understand. You are a new player.
And era players dont have 10 alts by now?
Fresh people who raid have an alt already.
Now youre making up stats.
You lost lil bro.
no one from HUNKs is any good in pvp lol you guys are like the bench warmers
Imagine playing a female gnome. Must be 5’2 irl