Battleground Blitz is awful

Because the playerbase makes it that way. It’s not worth the excruciating headache of slogging out low CR games where people afk, don’t spin flags, etc. It’s just not, and they killed Rated BGs to make it. There’s not a single RBG in LFG right now.


Have not experienced this at all. People are actually playing and doing mechanics.

What rating are you ? Push past the 300-500 range.


Rbgs was dead long before this


It’s been dead for ever. last time I played RBGs was in Cata If I remember correctly when it was a new thing and everyone joined ‘voice’.


RBGs lost popularity because it required a waiting on a Gaurdian Druid to join to not handicap your team and most off meta spec players got sick of being rejected when they applied.

Solo BG solved all the waiting but gained the lack of players following orders from random bgs. Success in RBGs takes work to develop a better skilled team that playes together regularly. Success in Solo Bgs is a coin flip of a chance you get teammates that know and care about objectives. I suppose I prefer the coin flip to waiting tbo.


They could have just implemented a system where tanks weren’t able to queue RBGs and made it a 2 healer 6 dps format with the blitz ruleset and the game mode would be good again.

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bg blitz is a coin flip

who will win, the team that does objective or the team that doesnt?

last might i lost 5 in a row all because objectives.

like… im not even exagerating… we crushed them so hard in mid that their mage rage quit the bg… but then my entire team sat mid the entire game and i was left trying to cap flag as healer, we ended up losing 7v8

its crazy. i feel like i either win or lose and theres nothing i can do.

what am i supposed to do when literally nobody but me is doing objectives? how am i suppose to be in 3 places at once


saw hansol get 4capped at 2.3k mmr

saw acerbgs get 5capped at 2.4k i believe

it seems like the lopsided games where 1 team doesnt even try to do objectives has no limit for mmr or cr

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Really could use a tutorial before people can queue it. Druids are in hog heaven, I’ve seen so many people try to dps into cyclone, but luckily for them they can’t, and the flag gets capped.

Meanwhile, any cc that breaks on damage, these NPCs just keep wailing away into them and stopping the cc into cap.


its bad man

in EoTS i saw 2 people (luckily on eneemy team) sit at an unactive base the entire game.
they were just sitting there clueless the entire game lmfao. guess which team won that game?

or how about this… silvershard mines… you know the map with the carts… the carts that have those BIG GIANT GLOWING CIRCLES? yeah… me… im standing in the cirecle… but all other 7 players on my team? not a single 1 is in the circle or even near it

un-fu***ing-real. i swear comp stomp bots would at least try to run toward the circle

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Yeah it’s definitely stressful, when you are trying to play and win, meanwhile people just want to fight and not do objectives. Trust me, the same guy who didn’t do objectives next round is complaining about the same exact thing.


This is a reason why I call bg blitz League of Legends mode

Then blitz is not awful, is ppl. Don’t hate the game, hate the players, most of them are garbage. Don’t want to communicate or participate in any way or form.


you know it wouldn’t be an awful idea to make a queue for newbies before getting into ranked this is my first time through rated bg blitz and I would have gladly gone through say 5 games or so to learn how blitz works. I like this idea.

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Then go form one yourself and have a good time.



Nope its literally the best addition to pvp in a long time.


They should bring back unrated for honor

Just need to figure out how to dodge all the competition and you’ll be good there too

I’m having a blast as prot pally


yeah that would have been nice as well instead of just being thrown into the big twist with little to no warning. I’m good now but I have a high tolerance for that kind of shenanigan. I doubt most do and it’s not fair to the veterans but as I saw I had to learn.

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