Battleground Blitz is awful

Ego, attitude, and gatekeeping is what killed RBGs; predictably, certain RBGers that really liked that particular psychosocial aspect of RBGs are upset with Blitz for lacking most aspects of that.
At least you’ve still got alts to sandbag with, right? :smiley:


I’ve seen this, too. It’s hilarious watching an enemy DPS pop their big DPS CDs, only to be attacking wind because the Druid cloned me at that moment. Thanks, enemy Druid - saved me a bunch of CDs/mana. :+1:

Any soft CC can safely be removed from your bars for RBGB.

My personal favourite for SSM is when they’re spending an inordinate amount of time trying to cap the worst cart on the map. It’s like they’re actively trying to lose. Like the whole team (including the other Healer) is at Top for some reason, fighting like its last cap - meanwhile, Mid and Lava are going practically uncontested. :dracthyr_lulmao:

All said and done, admittedly, it’s what I expected. I didn’t go into RBGBs thinking it would be remotely similar to any other rated game mode. It was going to be random BGs with rating, essentially.

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  1. It’s the first week.
  2. It didn’t kill RBGs, they have been dead for a long time and players having more (and better) options is a good thing.

Like others have said. You need to get out of the lower bracket. You talked about hansol getting 4 capped and stuff but it is genuinely a lot more rare to get smashed at higher rating. But of course it can still happen for a million normal reasons. Team comp, etc.
Genuinely though at higher rating they are so so so much fun. Everyone doing generally what they’re supposed to without needing constant directions. Feels really smooth and fun. But when getting out of the rat league i agree games are a coin toss


Solo shuffle and battleground blitz are probably the greatest things that have ever happened to any MMO.


For sure there addicting.


you should queue up on the other side and 1v1 each other lmao.

Not really. 24-2500 mmr are still coin flips. Havnt had a close game in awhile.

I dunno, I gotta agree with Slendy, games don’t feel close even playing at 2400+ mmr. They go heavily one way or the other, very few nailbiter close games at all.

Tank meta killed RBGs.

Often times tanks were the worst players in the group but a requirement. Groups would just never form because the role was generally boring AF and nobody played it despite it being a requirement for every group to have.

i have a shadow priest homie whos really good imo, he has gladiator xp and he does wicked pump every time i play with him.

he told me he lost 6 games in a row in bg blitz, and when he finally won a game at 1100 cr/1450 mmr he only got 22 points for winning lmfao.

gonna be a long grind for my homie to even hit 1400 even tho hes a 2400 player in arenas

this mode is crazy gonna make a lot of people quit if this is the case

Did one BGB, horde just got destroyed like it is in random bg. Totally one sided and waste of time

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ive done maybe like 8 bg blitz total this season and i havent seen a single close game

not a single one

its crazy how bad the matchmaking is

every single game is 1 team winning by 250% point differrential

3-0 flag maps
1500-200 base maps. yawn

I have had so much fun in BGB. Best addition to this game IMO


There’s like 20 placement matches this mode is AWFUL lol.

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a gladiator firned of mine showed me a screenshot of him winning a bg blitz.

he was 1100cr and 1450 mmr. yet he only gained 20 rating for the win

can somebody explain?

i thought if your mmr was higher than your cr you would gain a decent amount for a win?

also in the screenshot there are people higher CR than him who were getting 180+ CR for the victory

this mode seems scuffed

How does he know that he’s 1450 MMR?

The game doesn’t show you your personal MMR. It only shows team MMR.

It can depend on the value of previous wins/losses.


Nah man, I’m 18-0 now still 1600s. This is ridiculous.

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And I have enjoyed every game.

And 3min queues to boot.


Amazing record! Gz

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