Battle Squawk Changes

It’s a response mocking your overly dramatic take on thinking people are trying to hold melee back from competition. It’s a perfect response because melee aren’t in a terrible position nor is anyone trying to nerf the melee ability to compete.

People are asking for a chicken nerf because the item is simply too strong and will be used to cheese already simple content. People demand content not be nerfed but then use stuff like the chicken. The 27% haste is that strong. Drums were nerfed for a reason, the chicken needs it too.

Its not. Its pathetic

Why not ask for ranged nerfs then? Maybe drop that warlock AoE down and make raids hard

I want neither, just curious as to why when you see a mountain of a problem you point at the molehill

No need to get upset because someone points out that it’s ridiculous to insinuate that people want melee held back.

There’s no need for any nerfs to classes. Melee competes fine as is and will in the next 3 phases. People are asking for a low level trinket to be nerfed because it gives a broken buff that’s as strong as world buffs were. We’re supposed to be moving from using those types of outside buffs to do content.

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Ok then nerf Skull of Impending doom and Net’O’Matic and what else?

No lol? Again, check how many people are in MC on SoM and tell me nobody wanted buffs.

I can’t answer for anyone else, but if this were vanilla, and ranged vs. melee dps was reversed, and if casters had discovered a way to exploit a low level trinket to gain 25% dps, I’d also want it fixed.

I was also a harsh critic of world buffs and wanted them removed from day one, even though I mained a fury/prot warrior and benefitted from them more than any other class.

The reason? Because I don’t like cheesy, broken, grossly overpowered exploits. I want to play the game as it was intended. And don’t want to see the content nerfed, either directly or indirectly.

Why am silent on class balance? Maybe I shouldn’t be, because I main a fury warrior, which along with rogues were probably TBC’s biggest underdog classes/specs, at least going in, when everyone was spouting bad info.

Anyway, it doesn’t mean I think class balance is great. But instead of complaining, I accepted it as a challenge, and with effort I have earned my slot on my raid team.

I also think complaining about class balance is a waste of breath, because I know Blizzard is not going to do anything about it, because it’s easier said than done, for one, and Blizzard isn’t going to put forth the resources required. Plus they’d probably end up with players continuing to complain anyway. They’re not going to touch class rebalance with a ten foot pole. They’re just not.

But this grossly broken trinket is something that can be fixed. And it’s going to be fixed, judging by the blue comments. It’s just a matter of how, not if.

They balanced melee classes by giving them armpen gear in the next phases. It’s boomkins, spriests, ele shamans that were never thrown a bone.


And there’s a reason for that. It’s because their utility/buffs are the best in the game. If they did as much damage as pure dps classes, nobody would want pure dps classes. It was intended.

Nobody wanted to take leatherworking just for drums, hence why a drum change was asked for, so that people weren’t saddled with an otherwise useless profession. At least engi is somewhat useful for all classes all phases. And I still don’t think chickens are as convenient as drums.

Yes but arms, enhance and survival are all utility specs aswell, yet they scale much better than the classes i mentioned.

Yeah, it’s not perfect. It’s better balanced than vanilla was, though. At least all the specs work and are viable.

It’s literally every boss , every melee trying to do it now. The hilarious thing is they still don’t parse 95+ even with 5 squaks!:joy:

Engineering is already an op profession both in pve and especially pvp. NERFING the chicken wouldnt make it any less worth taking.


Oh your raid is absolutely evil then. We kinda feel it out. Usually we wont wait on buffs if the wait is longer than it would take to kill the boss. But never would we ever do it every boss. Thats just brutal

Not as convenient, no, but currently twenty-two times as powerful as drums on boss fights lasting less than four minutes. Even if nerfed to where it doesn’t stack, it will still be 4 times as powerful as drums.

In a 4 min. fight…

Drums: 5% haste w/ 25% uptime

1 chicken: 5% haste w/ 100% uptime

5 chickens: 27.6% haste w/ 100% uptime

Not speaking specifically to the poster above, but I still can’t believe there are people willing to defend a 27.6% haste buff that last 4 minutes as oh it’s perfectly fine, ha. It’s so far out of whack overpowered compared to other buffs that it’s just hilarious. It’s as broken as the Ten Commandments. Lol.

I see nerfing it to simply not stack as a compromise. It would still be the best in-raid benefit any profession could offer. It would still make engineering the “BiS” profession for melee/hunters.

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I didn’t even wants drums nerfed, I just wanted drums to not feel mandatory so I wouldn’t be stuck with LW. Like, make drums last 2min, or be raid wide. Regardless, nerfing drums let me keep blacksmithing and engineering. It’s honestly a relief that engi competes with jewelcrafting and enchanting. Engi is fun.

Make it squawk on summon and remove the buff if you trinket swap.

It removes the need to sit there before a boss and get the squawk on surrounding mobs, it preserves a niche 20 minute cooldown trinket, and it adds a slight drawback.

So I was looking at loot from Phase 3, particularly Glaives. The legendary, iconic weapons. The rare and crowning gear achievement of TBC for some lucky and deserving melee player in each guild.

They’re nice weapons. High dps, nice stats. But what really makes them separate themselves and crush the weapon alternatives? The 2-piece set bonus haste proc…

Chance on attack for 450 haste rating for 10 sec., with a 45 sec. internal cooldown. That averages out to something like 100 haste rating over the course of a fight or 6.3% haste. It’s huge.

But as things stand now, it’s absolutely wimpy in comparison to a 5-stack of chicken buffs, which is 27.6% haste that lasts the entire fight (<4 min). This is more than FOUR TIMES as powerful as the Glaives proc.

And it doesn’t just apply to one lucky warrior or rogue in the group, but to ALL FIVE players in the group. From a level 45 trinket that you can unequip after use.

Imagine that every melee could suddenly go back and farm Scarlet Monastery for weapons that were FOUR TIMES as powerful as TBC’s legendaries? Wouldn’t that seem so completely broken and out of whack that it needs fixing?

I hope Blizzard doesn’t stick their head in the sand on this like they did with world buff stacking in Classic vanilla, which quickly destroyed the integrity of that game and turned it into a laughing stock mockery of itself. Please fix.


Imagine why it’s going to be like with glaives plus chicken buffs. Sending melee to the moon.

Legit. I’m predicting that most casuals won’t care about chickens until sunwell when they finally realize how powerful it is. When that happens you will see alot of people asking for it to get fixed.

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