I can’t answer for anyone else, but if this were vanilla, and ranged vs. melee dps was reversed, and if casters had discovered a way to exploit a low level trinket to gain 25% dps, I’d also want it fixed.
I was also a harsh critic of world buffs and wanted them removed from day one, even though I mained a fury/prot warrior and benefitted from them more than any other class.
The reason? Because I don’t like cheesy, broken, grossly overpowered exploits. I want to play the game as it was intended. And don’t want to see the content nerfed, either directly or indirectly.
Why am silent on class balance? Maybe I shouldn’t be, because I main a fury warrior, which along with rogues were probably TBC’s biggest underdog classes/specs, at least going in, when everyone was spouting bad info.
Anyway, it doesn’t mean I think class balance is great. But instead of complaining, I accepted it as a challenge, and with effort I have earned my slot on my raid team.
I also think complaining about class balance is a waste of breath, because I know Blizzard is not going to do anything about it, because it’s easier said than done, for one, and Blizzard isn’t going to put forth the resources required. Plus they’d probably end up with players continuing to complain anyway. They’re not going to touch class rebalance with a ten foot pole. They’re just not.
But this grossly broken trinket is something that can be fixed. And it’s going to be fixed, judging by the blue comments. It’s just a matter of how, not if.