Battle Pet Owners

No, I said when I purchased the mount only. I never said I purchased the collectors edition version of the game. I even stated I never played WoD.

I don’t see in the shop where to you can buy the mount…so where did you get mount…I was thinking if you brought the mount you might have gotten the pet with it…or was there a special package deal early that the mount was up for sell…cause it not listed in the shop page now.

Mine has been revoked as well. Pretty sure I bought the WoD base digital version but then upgraded that to Digital Deluxe before WoD released. This little guy is on half of my pet battle teams.

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Put in a ticket about a bug report for it and also make a post on bug report forums there is a thread there already about this, I am just trying to pass on the word about this issue to the player base.

My mistake I found this using google… The Dread Raven mount and Dread Hatchling pet used to be in the store but it was removed a while ago now… maybe when you brought the Mount you got the pet too …

They sometimes put collector’s edition mounts on the store and than remove them for whatever reason. I haven’t brought a collector’s edition game since my first account where I had TBC.

100% chance I got the pet with the mount in error, never brought the pet, never even seen the pet on the store, but I don’t really care for pets so yeh I wouldn’t have seen it even if it was there.

And 100% chance most people here who had the pet also got it in error, or brought it from the AH when it should not have been possible. In both instances the pet being removed is being done so correctly.

But if the pet was truly on the store at one point than anyone who brought it should get it back, and those players will have a $$ transaction against the pet on their account, if it was purchased, they will get it back. If not, too bad, you don’t deserve it.

I have the achievement for the CE mount and pet, and my dread hatching is greyed out and revoked. Very weird bug I hope they can fix it soon!

I would have bought it as part of the Summer Sale in 2021, and it includes the pet.

Knew it had to be that then…that’s how the other poster got it as they said the purchased the Mount but didn’t have WoD. Thank you Jeys.

That took longer to Google to find them I thought it should have lol. I knew there had been some digital editions though as I got Legion and (I think?) Pandaria too. I think Pandaria was part of a different sale though

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Put in a ticket. Got an automated response after 5 hours with links to and suggestions to check the support page, WoWhead and the forums to help myself with the issue.

I bought the WoD CE when it was current and the pet is greyed out for me as well.

Got to this thread I list and report it there too…then put in a ticket for buggy pet too…Dread hatchling missing/revoked - #37 by Darcrayne-dawnbringer

Bump this thread up a bit …many need to still see it.

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Ditto here, though mine is just greyed out and doesn’t say “revoked” like some of the screen caps. Don’t know if that makes any difference. I do have the WoD Collector’s Edition which was bought new from the store when WoD came out.

There is a pet addon that shows the word revoked …its rematch I think.

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Oh, got it! I don’t have any battle pet addons installed.

(I probably should get some. :smiley: )

Huh. You’re right. I have the Dread Raven, which is working fine. But my hatchling is greyed out with only the option to cancel. Odd.

I suppose I’ll be sending in a ticket.

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I love rematch its lets you make all kinds of teams and save them so you have them all listed and ready to go battle.

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Please do put in a ticket …thank you Shadina.