Battle Pet for a Secret Finding is the most hated thing

Okay, I farmed up Spyragos, Nelthara, Wicker Pup, and I’m still losing even with following the “strat”. I hate pet battles and am really disliking finding it in the secret puzzle of the expansion.

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I’d argue that there are other much more hated things in the game lol

(getting multiple duplicate loot items from the vault for example)


U get Phoenix Wishwing? What a pain in the butt to get hehe…

It’s nice seeing the pet battle casuals on top for a change.

Can a pet battle champ come into these threads and tell people to git gud pls?


I assume you also leveled them to 25 and made them all “rare” quality? (I believe the Wicker Pup is default green.) Sometimes the RNG is a pita. You have to just keep working on it, using the right skills in the right order, etc.

I haven’t got that far yet, so I’m afraid I have no other advice.


Not a pet battler, looked at the list, got the 3 that seemed easiest, looked up how to get pet charms fast, bought 3 stones and 1 upgrade stone with charms. Beat feasel first try.

Did the whole thing in 90 minutes.

Definite git good situation, even from a non pet battlers pov.


Yeah, I don’t hate that nearly as much as I hate pet battles in the game. I grit at duplicate loot in the vault but my god…the pet battles…So badly done. I finally did it, because RNG gods finally smiled on me and the damn monkey not only missed all his banana shots but also missed hitting me 3 times in a row for my wicker pup to finally take him out.

People said the owl puzzle in the warden dungeon would be worse, I disagree completely. That puzzle took me 30 min to solve when I ran it through an addon.


It’s quiet simple really. Wait until the AI finally starts missing you and hope you get more hits in. That really is all there is to it.

I was sad when i read about this, i had really hoped to get through this without anything like that :woman_facepalming:

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I mean, you can. All the addon does is do what you would do with paper and pencil. Instead of drawing the map out, you just have it in the game to click on.

once you map out the puzzle surface, assign number to the owl statues and click on them and see which owl statue drops down what and raises what, you just assigned them to said said statue.

Do this for all 23 squares and you can figure out which statue drops what and you just do the math and see the best way to drop all of it down.

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I’ll give it a try when i get there!

YES!! I would rather run around and get a guaranteed result for my effort like a pet reward, than do MULTIPLE attempts at a stupid difficult quest that requires a special class ability like warlock, mage, priest ETCCCC . Yes Blizz I’m calling out your WQ Under The Sea Challenge in Mereldar.

I swear if this achievement is tethered to a mount…

The biggest challenge is not having your brain get into a haze and not make mistakes. Happened to me twice, I just zoned out and forgot what was what and had to restart the whole thing.

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As long as it has no timer, I’m sure i’ll get it… i hate timers!


lol yeah, thankfully it isn’t timed.

Blizzards is becoming absolutley useless. Every time i go to fly to a new location my battlepet despawns and I have to start over on this stupid flying to statues thing. Get it together blizz,

Ahem clears throat…

Geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood! :partying_face:


You think thats bad? Try doing the owl statue’s without an addon or website to help. I was on it for over 5 hrs with an addon then used a website and did it in half a hr or so

(Would link it, but im at work)

If you need help, look up concon. He dose a good rundown

I used Baa’l Spyragos, and Snowclaw cub and easily and consistently beat him (went 5/5 testing results)

Do you want the bad news or the bad news? Assuming by ‘WQ under the sea challenge’ you mean Floor is undersea challenge from the ‘play with orphans’ World quest.

Spoilers Floor is undersea challenge is required for

That achievement is required for

That achievement is required for

Which gives a mount and will most likely be part of the TWW meta achievement when that comes out later into the expansion.