Battle Pet for a Secret Finding is the most hated thing

As someone who hated Pet Battles when they first arrived, I now have over 900 unique pets, most of the achievements, and close to 400 lvl 25 in rare condition. I cannot even begin to EXPRESS how much I am enjoying the idea of them being added to unlocking this mount. In my heart, it feels like karma for every mount that required AotC or KSM/KSH for those of us who are casual and just not interested in those pillars, especially for a mount. :blue_heart:


I have all those achieves done already (except for the new Sirens isle stuff obviously). :smiley:


Same. I’m also missing one more for the BFA meta. Just need one more horde only WQ achievement in Nazmir.

Hmmm. Which one is that? The only horde one that gave me any trouble years back was the one with the goblin mechsuit and the one where you run around as a hand. I did them both eventually, but it took several attempts on each.


The hand one can be done by either faction. Along with the one where you need to kill those stealthed blood trolls within a time limit. The horde only ones are the “kill 150 blood trolls while riding frog loa in 45 seconds while not in a group” and the goblin mech suit one that needs to be done within 30 seconds while not in a group.

After about 30 attempts my Spyragos managed to survive the first pet and I was able to cast aoe ice chill and another fireball. Him surviving made all the difference. I was able to beat it and earn the muffin.

On to the next orb today after work.

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For that part, I switched to steady flying.

I also love collecting pets but hate pet battles. Pet battles are so badly designed it isn’t even funny nor fun to do.

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This proves the real end game is pet battles

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Does this mean pet chads are more elite than mythic raiders? :relieved:


Well I got the achievement on my fourth horde toon lol.

Jani is all mine come 11.0.7 =)

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Same. :3 I actually like this approach of Blizzards. The “You Xal Not Pass” achievement is essentially the “Across the Isles” achievement from Dragonflight. Instead of dropping this massive 100+ achievement grind on us at once, they are breaking it up, releasing the first part now and then likely the next part in the coming months.

Was honestly really confused when I first heard about it too since its like “wait, are we already done with TWW because it feels a bit early for the Expansion Meta to be released.”

Congrats. :3 I Love the transformation mounts in WoW as they help to stand out from most other mounts in the game. Tarecgosa’s Visage is still one of my go-to mounts next to the Coldflame Tempest and Taivan. :slight_smile:

I still have a long way to go for Jani myself since I’ve only done so much of BFA on my original character before stepping away from WoW right around Shadowland launch. Need to hop back over there and maybe just choose to restart it with my Priest or Evoker. Kinda hoping they make BFA Warbound enabled soon if nothing else but for the Rep/Renown.

my (sea) legs just buckled from under me

Just sounds like a lotta git gud is necessary.

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Switch to old flight style, you are out flying your pet, I had the same issue and was fine once I went back to static flying.

You can just…not use the add-on?