I just can’t see how after this many years this event wasn’t vetted more and taken care of. Got all the way through it and had to kill the last guy twice, but then it did complete with Jaina freezing everyone and taking the Alliance with her. Still can’t turn in the quest. From what I am reading it doesn’t seem like I will get a response to the ticket I put in. Very sad.
So if you abandon the quest, you’re srcrewed? Great…
apparently #somechanges does not include bug fixes, or customer service
Zidormi is missing, so the “hotfix” they described yesterday isn’t actually working.
literally stuck. i abandoned the quest. and hearthed but im stuck in a phase where nothing and nobody exists…please help
Incase you guys still haven’t figured it out (after 10 years later) Activision (Because Blizzard died when Wrath ended) really doesn’t give a crap about any of you, this is a last ditch effort for a cash cow. They’ve pretty much fired all their GM’s except for a few and cut so much in their budgets just to keep lining the big wigs pockets. Look how dead HotS is, Overwatch, Diablo, they gutted the “Blizzard” name for all the money they could get and now they just letting it bleed out til the game goes to free to play/pay to win lol
Me too. IDK what to do now. Thunderbluff is unphased…at least for me