Battle for undercity (alliance side) horribly bugged (wotlk classic)

The battle for the undercity is horribly bugged, at the VERY last part the king decided to attack some random horde NPC that healed itself for half a million per tick, sat there smacking it for about 5 minutes then thrall & co just vanished, wrynn gave the speech he normally gives at the START of the event, and vanished leaving me by myself in an empty instanced undercity. This has happened several times now, HOURS wasted.

C’mon guys.


Same thing happened to me. What a pain.

Same thing happened to me. The main cities of orgrimmar and undercity are permanent phased while the quest is going on. Since I’m a mage I ported to dalaran and nothing is bugged there so I was able to continue doing quests but if you’re not a mage I think you have to get ported or get summoned because I heard the zeplin/boats don’t take you back to northrend when you’re phased.

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It’s the same story on the horde side UC and org are completely bugged out and thrall won’t respawn so the even won’t reset.


They need to fix this, as phased Org affects brewfest dailys as well.


Same issue all of org is bugged all thrall does is wander around and you cant talk to him or anything and in turn it pretty much locks org to anything you can do

If you abandon the quest you cant pick it up again. We also killed varmathas and varian but thrall gets stuck after some RP and doesnt let you finsh the quest.

Dont hearth or abandon the damn quest cause then your stuck with a bugged org and cant get back into the battle and redo the questline and this is for classic wrath btw i dont know if they intended the quest to be in the game however they definitly messed the quest up in a HUGE WAY and now people cant access anything in org as its part of one of the phases from the Dragonblight questline

Yup, same here. Quest is completely broken. Wrynn and a Horde Warbringer are locked in permanent combat and the Warbringer is unkillable. It’s a stalemate with no way to break it, no way to complete the quest.

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Similar. Stuck in the Apothecarium with a bunch of never-ending spawns of Failed Experiments. Varian won’t leave.


Same thing happened to me. I ended up abandoning the quest when I saw the portal from SW to UC was still up in Varians room for me only to realize that the portal doesn’t actually work to bring me back and accept the quest from Broll again. Pretty much stuck hoping for a fix at this point.

mine started with Varian already in UC with thrall and sylvaanas in a never ending loop of attacking and healing :frowning:

Right now, I’m stuck in the Apothecarium, Varian is attacking infinite slimes. Not sure how to proceed.


Same issue, Varian spawns in and is stuck in the Apothecarium fighting a never ending sea of slimes. can’t kill them all fast enough before more respawn making it impossible to continue or complete the quest. abandoning it, leaving the zone and re-entering, and restarting the game doesn’t fix it

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Same bug as previous players mentioned, basically Varian gets escorted to the Apothecarium in Undercity and it’s an endless loop of slime attacks which are spawned in the four corners.

I’m questioning if this quest was even tested before release.

For us, Wrynn started to head for Thrall, then suddenly turned back and started the talk-sequence about the apothecary’s death and orc hearts and all…and stopped. No Thrall yelling his war cries, nothing except Jaina suddenly disappearing. Had to portal back to SW, tried abandoning to pick back up…and it’s not there to pick up again.

lmao still bugged king doesnt even move from the starting area just disappears

Won’t even zone thrall in for the horde side

Horde side here, same thing. We abandoned quest in our party, but I guess we shouldn’t have done that.

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still happening. varian is attacking a swarm of slimes. I tried to interfere and even move him to another location via slime kiting. no luck.