Then fix the shard issue and allow the pvp to come back, lol.
I mean, the whole commanders thing is okay… but the pvp event last 30 minutes… and the commanders last for 3. If you’re nowhere near them when they spawn… GG SOL…
I can’t fix no issue man! I’ll just be waiting like the rest lol.
In all seriousness, the event is fun. Just wish it won’t die over this one thing.
Are the Elite Commanders going to have more than 20 hitpoints so we actually have time to get to them before they die, or are we going to be forced avoid the area entirely so as to not get dogpiled by the eleven million Horde players who will no doubt be camping it?
I didn’t mean for you to fix it, lmao.
That’s the point.
If you provide a means for people to actually fight back (and reward their time still for losing when stupidly outnumbered), folks are not going to server jump as much. It wouldn’t fix the problem overnight, it’d be a gradual shift because you’d have to change player behavior.
Lol! We’ll see what happens on the shards going forward.
They should be literal raid bosses, with like, 20 billion health that requires the whole shard pounding on it to kill it.
Remember Oondasta, and how you got like, 100 people from the entire battlegroup pounding on him, and he would still mow through like 75 of them and the beaches were carpeted with bones of the fallen and moaning wounded fools? While the factions slaughtered each other in epic killfests to down him?
sigh Good memories…
this is a step in the right direction and i appreciate it, still now i wonder if i’ll even see the event now lol. i know you guys don’t want to be moving players during combat but the player imbalance is insane, i require alliance players to feast upon! For the Forsaken!
It wouldn’t go any better under the old pvp/pve realm system. Almost every single populated PvP realm was horribly lopsided. It’d be good for the few decent realms and trash for everyone else.
I would genuinely prefer that to be the case.
They’re supposed to be ‘Elite’ commanders but they die faster than most Elite Rare enemies. I dont think I’ve ever seen a single Elite Commanders event last longer than 30 seconds from start to finish.
good to see some are staying positive lol.
To fix the pvp event not spawning because we have horrible sharding we are reminding you that there is a PVE event where you warmode people have to turn warmode off to participate have fun not pvping.
What’s the opposite of rose-colored glasses?
I don’t like this if it means we’ll never see the event again…
Heck, imagine sitting around waiting for the Battle of Nazjatar event that is 30 mins away, only to have it not start.
This is a disappointing “fix”.
Hey only 72 supply crates to go until I can go buy the mount, cuz god knows this event will never happen again
Battle for Nazjatar is literally forcing Ashran on a server where it is 30 horde per 1 alliance. Alliance give up after 30 seconds, disappear and waits for Horde to win then comes back and decimates the remaining horde that cannot win unless its 3v1. Every time i have tried to participate it ends up 3000-200 or less for alliance…
I am surprised it took this long to realize what has been happening since beginning of beta of azeroth and WM. Another example of blizzard not actually thinking things through or noticing an horrible imbalance that has been in effect since Wintergrasp days. Their fix was to limit it to 100 per side (also due to lag).
oh do i? When he was released we had like 4 raid groups show up for him. Crashed the server though. Those were fun times
Sharding aside, the biggest issue plaguing War Mode is the lack of incentive to participate when you are disadvantaged.
No matter how many random PvP events they throw at us, they’re all going to fail horrendously as long as there’s nothing meaningful to fight for or no helping hand to help alleviate difficulties that come from faction imbalances.
Back in WotLK, Once they reigned in Tenacity back in Wintergrasp (and fixed the rank exploit), even unbalanced WG matches felt okay. It also gave small perks to the faction that was on a losing streak to help balance it out. Tol Barad, if I recall, did something similar. So did Ashran.
Tol Barad and Wintergrasp also had a reason to do them - the raid. Halaa did as well, though it was much smaller in scope.
Throwing in a half-baked event on a schedule that you have to do homework on just to figure out with no in-game indication anywhere that it’s about to start already causes problems. Tune it in such a way where the losing faction has no reason to even try in the form of smaller rewards or access to meaningful content, and the question will always be: “Why should we even bother?”
And if there’s no answer to that question, you get what we have seen all week - about 2 minutes of one-sided action followed by afking by flag poles.
Factions are already unbalanced. Throw the disadvantaged faction a bone, or make compelling reasons to try even when you’re losing. Communicate the timers in-game. Give access to decent rewards and small amounts of content behind the victory. Without any of this, this and every other PvP event they ever try will almost never see anything that isn’t an obscene stomp, as the internet-dragon-slaying devs scratching their heads over the fact that they can’t seem to get people to PvP in their PvP mode.
Also, yeah, sharding.
What Wpvp? I have had my WM on all week and whenever the event came up there was no opposing faction to be found. Either sharding is completely broken or not enough people are bothering with putting WM on.