"Battle for Nazjatar" Changes Made

Oh for sure, kinda why i liked it when there was actual pvp. But that was VERY rare. And the alliance could’ve fixed their issue by simply making a group in premade. That’s what my one group did when we were losing yesterday


Blizzard is nerfing this event because there isn’t enough participation NOT EVEN A WEEK into 8.2.

Y I K E S. I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again. 8.2 was DEAD ON ARRIVAL.

Classic can’t come fast enough and after it does, participation will go down even more.


No. More people play horde, it’s that simple


You need to address the underlying problem: Phasing.

This band-aid will not address the real problem (i.e., phasing preventing appropriate distribution of players/factions–as well as making some items impossible to loot), so all you’ve done is effectively make Battle for Nazjatar mostly impossible to do with War Mode.


This is UNHEARD of! Blizzard canning a patch feature so quickly.

Players who don’t see this as a huge red flag regarding the health of WoW and BfA are clearly delusional.


does this replacement event give conquest also?

A better fix would have been to auto-mercenary mode people into the opposing faction to a near perfect split. It worked with Ashran, why not Nazjatar?


nope… its not PVP

JuSt WaIt FoR cLaSsIc

Horde population > ally population, it’s really that simple. This fix is just bad, though.


Not what they said - they said the event was too lopsided, not that no one was playing. That sounds like plenty of participation, just one-sided depending on what shard you’re on (which is the real fix)


It’s not like we’re personally choosing to go into shards that don’t have proper balance. This seems like a terrible band aid onto a problem we can’t do anything to fix that’ll just make it so we never see the event again unless the root cause of the sharding is fixed.


I’ll wait to see how this actually plays out, but at first glance it feels like I am being punished for being on an imbalanced shard, something I have no control over whatsoever.

I can’t say that feels good.


Thats becuase they die in like 45 seconds. If your not standing on one, good luck.


Whelp since I won’t get to try 8.2 until the 12th for personal reasons I guess I’ll never get to do this.

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maybe make it so there are only 2 shards per server group. One WM on group and one WM off group. This would also "make the world feel bigger and more alive"™ by having more people to interact with in the world.

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I managed to get 1 kill in and by the time I got to the 2nd I watched it die just inches before I was in range The others were all dead by that time What a bad fix. How about yall fix the sharding that is making it so there are no ally at all and I have to shard hop to find a shard with like almost no horde just to get a kill then go back to a shard with no ally for the win. The problem isnt a lack of players its your sharding


Is that still the case after the health increase hotfixes from a couple hours ago?

I haven’t actually seen the commanders today yet, not sure if they or the summoning event were changed at all.

no, it’s because both factions seem to hide in their own little shard. each time i’ve done it, there was hundreds of horde players searching for alliance to kill.

on the flip side, i’ve landed in alliance heavy shards where it was impossible to do anything because the flight paths and towns were being heavily camped.

the system just needs to do a better job of grouping players.


Agreed, but when you increase in ilvl you should feel more powerful, and that is no longer part of the game or design. With scalling, we are screwed and never powerful.


Good why should I have to experience this merely because of the faction i chose
I turned WM off on day 1 of 8.2. There was a 40man multiboxer I couldnt even capture 1 point. Oh then there was like 20 horde ontop of that. Great game design. A+