Battle Chickens Banned on Logs starting 15th

Man excuses are flying.

they really are lmao. im the one owning up to my poor play and i still parsed much better than you in t5. 90% of my top parses in t5 have 0 squawks

same with t6 actually.

Sorry but drops are out of my control you playing poorly is not out of your control.

Iā€™m sure you donā€™t perceive it the same as me though

man if only there were a reasonable way to get a t5 equiv weapon with 1, 2, or even 4 of your other friends.

My Best Performance is 92.8

My Median Performance is 83.5

Your Best performance is 92.9

Your median performance is a 74.8

This is for BT/MH so best performance never changes it only goes up itā€™s simply only based off your top parse for each kill, your average parse is lower than mine, so on average when you kill a boss you parse a 74.8 and I parse a 83.5.

Now if we go over SSC/TK I was on Whitemane for almost all of my kills.

My best performance on Whitemane was 98.

My Median Performance was a 93.3

Your Best performance is a 97.9

Your median is a 85.2

Canā€™t wait for the excuses to fly!

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Of course its easy for you to perform roughly the same on average when you exploit a toy that literally removes the 1 thing hunters have to worry about as a dps loss :clown_face:

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Chicken was usable in literally every fight of our parses in the above comparisons.

What other excuse you got?

I canā€™t make the 2 other people in my group that has a chicken use their chicken correctly?

Weā€™ve already talked about this. Chicken has a 20 min cd, so cant use it on every boss in 1 night, and it can be messed up our the chicken can die to aoe before it squawks.

Meanwhile steam tonk controller go brrrr.

Lmao. Anything you gotta do to pretend youā€™re a great player champ. Iā€™m happy to see myself improve on a week to week basis, but I dont have any exploits that bail me out of a bad situation. At least none that dont also severely hurt my own dps.

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You literally just admitted to using a chickenā€¦

You were exploiting friend.

My guild doesnā€™t use chickens

It wasnt an exploit. it was updated to itā€™s post 2.1 behavior, meaning prior to this patch, chickens were working as intended.

But you just accused me of using something as an exploit when itā€™s working as intended are you okay?

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Because your item that dismisses your pet and returns it to you at full hp is removing the 1 mechanic you as a hunter were intended to deal with.

Your pet should return at the same health.

Thatā€™s your interpretation of it that doesnā€™t mean thatā€™s how itā€™s supposed to go though.

You not agreeing with the interaction of the item is irrelevant.

Itā€™s okay. I know in my heart your a lil guy who canā€™t play hunter without exploiting while I can still parse fine without chicken.

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Not an exploit, has blizzard come out and said tonks arenā€™t supposed to full heal pets??

Youre trying to interpret the item to fit your agenda.

Stay mad I parse better.

Stay mad.your chicken is gone.

Stay mad.

I never truly had a chicken to begin with lmao.

Imagine a hunter parsing the same as a melee that doesnt get squawks Lul

Itā€™s a level 40-something Vanilla item. It should absolutely not be a top tier must have raid buff in TBC.


Do you not understand how parsing works?

Anyone can 99 parseā€¦

Keep coping.

Them 5 stacked is better than lust LMFAO.

Iā€™m distinctly aware of how parsing works. Doesnt change the fact that you cant beat a melee w/o squawks in a meta where every melee has 3+ squawks.