Can’t, that is simply how the game works.
Even retail has spell batching, always has.
In retail, batching just runs on a shorter timer than vanilla ever had
and it is multi threaded so to speak, in vanilla there was only a single processing thread for the batch queue.
Sure you do.
Ever play the original legend of Zelda on the Wii or Switch?
I can see Retail having something like that actually. I guess my statement should be more like “I agree that Spell batching need to be more like Retail, where theirs less delay as possible in what you tell your character to do so the game can feel responsive.”
Or the very least change it to 100 MS. it’s still not ideal, infact, i’m still against that cause at 0.1 second, even though it’s miniscule to a lot of people, still plays a huge role in deciding the outcome of the battle for you. But it would be a huge improvement over what we have right now, the very least.
I also don’t agree that Leeway should be even a thing, i know this is a fantasy game, nothing’s real, ya ya… but in terms of gameplay, how does it even make any sense or even remotely fair to be hit by a melee attack few yards away??
Even in Retail, your melee range doesn’t exceed that far. That’s even with the Outlaw Rogue and it’s extended melee range talent.
Ever play Banjo Tooie on Xbox 360?
But i’m glad you bought that up, cause i went to look for some gameplay footage of the NES legend of Zelda (i think that’s what your talking about) on the Switch and i have found this.
Viewing on 1080p 60fps on YouTube, the game is running what seems to be on 720p and a smooth 60fps, since it’s a very very old game, on a newer hardware.
To answer your question, i never played any Zelda games, cause outside of the Gameboy Advanced one point in my life, i never owned or grew up with any Nintendo games. It was just Playstation 1 to 2 from Childhood and Now, and Xbox 360 somewhere down the middle… and PC smuttered in between.
I also never played Banjo Tooie as well, but if i ever want to start playing that game, it’s gonna be on the Xbox 360 for the sheer fact that the Resolution (Which contributes to graphics) and Framerate consistency are better… and the subjective option that the controller is much better to… control.
Well, sorta
All the black screen area is the emulator, zelda itself is the 480 box in the center, same resolution and graphics as originally.
Smoothness wise, zelda was that smooth back then.
It’s a fun game actually, even today.
I can’t find any videos on that. Theirs videos that show the game-play though what it seems to be a Switch/Wii port at 720p at 60fps, and theirs videos that was on NES, but those videos were on 480p or 240p, and theirs no way ot tell if those are real or emulated. So i’m gonna have to take your word on that until i see for it myself.
Though looking at the specs of the NES, It is interesting to note that the picture resolution is 256x240 pixels.
8 bits, at a blistering sub 2mhz clock speed.
and yet, once upon a time, it was the schizz
If Blizzard restored the spell batching window to the original 400ms, then I actually think it does need to be reduced slightly.
Not because I don’t like it; I realize its super-important for authentic game play.
I actually think the adjustment must be made to compensate for most modern computers playing WoW with far faster frame-rate and latency to the servers.
Lets say in Vanilla you had 70ms eaten up by latency and slower graphics; that means you only really had about 330ms to anticipate your opponent’s move and strike a key.
Now in Classic you have only 20ms eaten up by latency and your crazy 200 fps beast. There’s now 380 ms for you to anticipate and execute the next move.
So if you are recreating the feel of Vanilla then it might actually be important to narrow the window just a tiny bit to compensate. Probably not by much; just 10% maybe.
That’s not all that is wrong with Classic batching. The batch isn’t dropping aborted incoming attacks from the queue, they are being executed instead:
poly stops inc lightning bolt from casting, sheeped mob throws LB anyway
You FD, but combat does not drop – after your FD animation runs, you get attacked anyway, breaking it;
you successfully Vanish only to be hit from across the room by an attack that was incoming before you Vanished.
Aggro drops, interrupts and escapes are playing their animations but are not ejecting the interrupted attack from the queue, which imho is game breaking as far as these necessary survival tools are concerned.
I don’t think your first and third cases are bugs; Blizzard intended for odd behaviour where two units do contradictory things in the same batch. Otherwise they wouldn’t have bothered to re-introduce batching at 400ms.
There are things that just didn’t happen in vanilla that happen all the time in classic. It’s not as simple as “set the batch ferquency” and call it a day. Whatever they’ve done to try and emulate the vanilla behavior failed. And badly.
Still no blue post L0L
On a controversial subject, they couldn’t possibly,
/Fans self
In the real world, that’s just how magic works. Sometimes you have to be last to be first.
Spell batching is fine, just another factor that can change the outcome of the little things.
I think you underestimate blizzards ability to ignore threads.
Yeah. Maybe they did want to make their game play unreliable and buggy. Seems about right.