Batching needs to be a little bit less

Technically it is not artificial and simulating, that was the batch cycle back then.
Retail uses batching also, it is just running around 90ms i think it is, they never got rid of it.

I feel like the prioritization may not be quite working as intended
but i have no way to be 100% sure

This has to be the case. I’ve never been hit by so many CC’d mobs in vanilla. In Classic you can’t even start to bandage immediately after fearing a mob because there’s a good chance a batched attack is still going to come from the feared mob and break the bandage channel.

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I have been macroing my CC/Stun things.
apply CC or stun and drop attack a sec to see if it sticks, because as you noticed, it will some times stick a mob swing late, tricking me into thinking it did not stick, then i wind up hitting mob as it sticks and breaking it.

I had to spend a little time practicing in the badlands to kind of figure out what was happening.

It is weird at first, but you kind of get used to it.
I myself can not fairly compare to real 2004 vanilla, because in 2004
is was stuck on some very craptastic satellite internet

100% on this right here… I’m leveling up my babylock and the number of times I’ve been in one of those hero moments where you got an add you weren’t ready for, Succy takes one for the team, and you’re scrambling your taps and fears to juggle those last slivers of the old red and blue bars. You throw the last fear you can afford with your meager mana bar with the intent to bandage up for a tap only to seemingly get slapped by the buttcheeks of a fleeing mob and interrupt your attempt.

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Bump for ending batching.

Look at this blue post i found

Blockquote As with many other areas of WoW Classic, authenticity is our primary concern. It used to be the norm that combat flow and PvP balance were defined and tuned in a game where spell messages were resolved less frequently. There was a single game loop that processed all messages sent and received every server tick. Nowadays, the game processes multiple loops for messages of differing priorities. Spell casts are high priority, and have been for a long time.
For WoW Classic, we’re moving spell casts to a low-priority loop that will cause them to be processed at the frequency that best fits how the game actually played in version 1.12. Two mages will be able to Polymorph each other somewhat reliably, resulting in two sheep nervously pacing around at range. Two warriors will be able to Charge one another, and the end result will be both warriors standing stunned in each other’s original location.
We think it’ll be fun to see those sorts of things happening again

Holy, its like they think we enjoyed spell batching back then. The authenticity of the game??? This sounds like a legitimate joke.

“Players of retro game forced to use same dial up connection from 15 years ago in order to keep authenticity.”

All these nochanges idiots are gonna be the death of this game

batching itself is good, the point is 400ms is too much.

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If that is the case and I’m not saying it is, they will have to do a lot more than screw up leeway and occasional anomalies with spell batching to get me back to retail.

In fact, I prefer Classic, warts and all to anything on retail servers now, or what has been promised in SL so far.

I actually like that a heal can go off and the target can still die. The same goes for interrupts still going off.

It rewards proactive and safe play while punishing padders.

Except there is only one proactive healer, the rest are reactive, it sucks when it happens because there is nothing you can do.

Not true. You can aim to keep them above a higher threshold.

Not always possible, specially with how long cat times are in vanilla

Pre cast your heals. Monitor enemy weapon swing and spell timers.

Always take into consideration that a late cast might not land even if it seem like it will. Use inefficient heals to get your allies above an unsafe threshold, don’t risk a longer cast spell.

That doesn’t take into account things like parry haste.

tank is fine, you queue up a heal, close to the end of the heal he doesn’t need it so you cancel it and queue up another.

During this heal the boss hits the tank, the tank get’s parried, and parry haste comes in.

Your heal goes off RIGHT before the parry haste hit that would have killed your tank, but because of batching everything gets processed however it gets processed and your tank dies anyway.

It’s a part of the game that I have accepted. A part of Classic WoW.

Vanilla wow’s wasn’t 500 ms

no, it was 400ms

I gotta wonder, you people who think this feels like vanilla, was your internet back then coming to your house by 2 cans and a long piece of string?

in 2004?
There were still enough people on 56k believe it or not, that it was still a thing to support, marginally.
384k and 768k broadband was pretty common

Worse,if you move out of range of said next melee attack you still get hit regardless of distance.

They also need to flat out delete Leeway.


No, i agree, Spell Batching just needs to go. I think Classic can happen without this feature cause we don’t have dial up anymore. :roll_eyes:

I want the game i’m playing to be responsive and have no delay in it whatever i tell my character to do. (metaphorically speaking, literally i’m pushing buttons to perform an action.) I understand the need of authenticity, but don’t you port an N64 game one to an Xbox 360 and limit it to 15 fps and 224p or 480p because that’s how it was back then.