Batching changes give Blizzard #NoExcuse to not ban Bots

He’ll probably ignore you now. That’ll show you not to mess with him, right?

Yet you do on literally a daily basis. Oh my poor confused little hijo

You can ignore someone with a hidden profile. Click on your character name top right, then on preferences, then users. You can manually add people to your ignore list.

Well, if retail is anything to gauge a success ratio on with Vanilla vs retail batching then it’s a safe bet that if batch cycles equates to bans on cheaters then the new batching will actually increase the number of RMT and Bot activities.

Blizzard like many gunshy nations relies too heavily on air superiority and missile strikes and automated drones to do the things that need to get done. Trouble is, only boots on the ground actually get the job done. It’s not to say that those air power assets aren’t nice to have and don’t do something, but they fail to yield the results that are provided by actually having boots on the ground.

Just my Zero point two copper.

You do too. Your reply here is a case in point.

If that’s true why can’t they get rid of bots on retail

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So true. Retail is lousy with them - as bad if not worse than Classic.

Because too many players rely on them. Ask the PvP scene if they care about bots artificially boosting the PvP pool. They don’t care because they hate the system and bots help them cheat the system.

RMT is the same way. People don’t like leveling a new character and then running them through the wringer of MC, BWL, etc. or having to rely on a guild to do that on a regular basis. So, they buy gold and pay for what they want through GDKP runs.

If so many players really wanted bots gone, why do players also rely so incessantly on them?

There is no PvP pool boosting in retail, did you respond to the wrong comment?

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Do you not understand what retail is?

Enlighten me, oh wise one!

Ever heard of shadow lands?

No. But I have heard of World of Warcraft®: Shadowlands.

So please go back and read my original comment then and maybe you’ll understand why it made no sense to reply me. This is tiring

I tried reading what you wrote but I ran into the words “WoW Classic General Discussion” at the top of the page.

You’re still not making sense. Salty’s comment was crystal clear.

I think you’re mistaken. But there, that’s the name of your guild, so…

Why does wow retail sell currency? And phone games that sell currency?

You can SELL currency. Its the same as selling tickets to the carnival or whatever. But you can’t have a revolving system where those tickets can be bought, gambled, then sold back…