Batching changes give Blizzard #NoExcuse to not ban Bots

Batching on live servers is 400ms, this affects everything. From spell hits, trading to player positioning.

This means that Bot positions only get updated twice per second.

On PTR the batching window is 10ms. That means Bot positions get updated 100 times per second.

Blizzard now has magnitudes more data points to track player positions.

There is now no excuse not to ban bots that jump/fly hack above/below ground or teleport instantly from standard coordinates to herb/mining nodes.

There will be so much incoming data that if Blizzard were intelligent they would no longer need manual inspection of flagged accounts to verify a botting ban, they could simply have an algorithm double, triple, quadruple, quintuple, sextuple, septuple, octuple, nonuple, decuple, undecuple, duodecuple - i’m not being pedantic - centuple check data from a single seconds worth of player data that if bot bans do not increase by x^6 times at a minimum then it means Blizzard is actively allowing bots to go without punishment, openly allows the limited usage of bots in their game and is intentionally sabotaging the paying customers end-product experience.

If the Batching changes hit Live servers and there is not instantly a massive and continuous ban wave, then Blizzard is participating in illegal activities with bots by having the capabilities and funds to remove them and choosing not to.



It’s reallY simple man… bots are allowed to play because gold selling businesses give blizzard a cut / kickback of the profits, Don’t believe me? Try operating a business on the backs of other peoples business / property and see how well things turn out for you if you don’t give them a little cut.


That would have some cereal legal repercussions for Blizzard if this was revealed to be true.

Having said that, it’s still definitely possible.

I’ve already thought this for a while.

Also probably why we don’t see many people in the way of gold buying getting banned either.

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what if this is why they are doing it now instead of with the TBC prepatch?

Thats not how this works. Thats not how any of this works

Why? Please be more specific.

The EULA clearly states that Blizzard can do whatever it wants with the game.

great insight, thank you

Batching is the mechanism of taking all the events that happened in a certain window and treating them as simultaneous rather than processing them sequentially like they do in retail.

That isn’t the same thing as the update rate of your character’s position.

Shrinking the window of batching almost certainly has zero to do with how often your position is updated.

Buying gold isn’t against any law, just blizzards own internal rules, which they can apply as they see fit.

They already took control of gold selling in retail, there is alot of money in the gold selling business, and blizz running the gold sellers doesn’t mean they have people in seats at their campus running bots, it means they are probably shareholders in the companies that own the companies that farm gold.

Uhm… what about it is illegal for blizzard? It’s their game they make the rules.

Bruh, i’m trying to incite the masses for positive change. Don’t do me like that.

I’m not saying gold buying is illegal.

I’m saying Blizzard could possibly be in legal trouble if it was found out that they actually own and operate these bots/gold selling websites.


It is. Whether or not you say it is doesn’t change that.

Why would you even make this comment?

Blizzard is changing things and if they don’t change things the way I want, then I’m going to be mad!

Thats not exactly how this works… Just because it’s my product doesn’t mean I can sell it without restrictions.

First. I still wish I could block you. Second. Blizzard can do what they want with their game. They can let bots roam free all they want. They can sell gold themselves if they want. Until you make your profile unhidden then I am forced to assume you’re a forum troll.

Let me know how that goes for you.

Assume what you want. Thats certainly your prerogative.

Literally incorrect.

Your whole post makes about zero sense. Just because they’re exchanging more data wouldn’t make it easier to detect botting IMO.

They could ban the bots now if they wanted. They don’t want to.

Blizzard had pursued Bossland across multiple continents in an attempt to shut down the cheat programs, which Blizz argued violated its copyrights and cost it significant amounts of money to fight – money it was therefore not spending on its own games and customers.

They’re literally spending millions fighing botmakers in court… in addition to on the front end. But let me guess. “ITs AlL a CoNsPiRaCy” The legal battles are just there to throw the forum detectives off the trail!!

If Blizzard is making statements in federal court that bot-makers are costing it substantial money to fight… when in reality it’s taking kickbacks from those same botmakers (as absolutely insane as that sounds) it would certainly be in legal trouble. Which they probably don’t need considering all the other legal issues surrounding the industry like the legality of loot boxes/RMT sales vs gambling/money laundering laws and other “deceptive trade practices.” And at best… if it was found they were colluding with bot makers or even just lying to their customers about the integrity of the product they’re selling it would open them up to a potentical class-action suit. Because contrary to what certain basement-dwellers may tell you…

Is not how things work in the real world.

You can block hidden profiles by going into your preferences and manually adding their name and server. E.g. Delimicus-heartseeker.

The better way to block people is to do what I do. Use a custom script in uBlock Origin to completely remove their posts from your view. There’s a couple people here that probably wondered why I stopped entertaining them. I don’t even see a “VIEW 1 HIDDEN REPLY” message, because I’m properly blocking them.