Bastion spoilers

Ardenweald is pretty straight forward about how the souls sent there are used to fuel the rebirth of the various nature spirits that get sent to it. Your soul is cosmic life force fertilizer basically.

Which like… I mean, did people expect that the afterlives in Warcraft were going to be a long line of fluff jobs? Ashes to ashes, dust to dust folks. Nothing gets the “right” to last forever.


Now I wonder how the Light’s afterlife works. Maybe our souls are the fuel for the spells that our characters use.

Using up anima doesn’t seem to delete the soul cause the vampire use it and they still suppose to send the soul elsewhere when they finish

It’s just that, as you point out yourself, only Ardenweald’s process seems to involve the souls of the dead in sending something back to the living realm. Facilitating rebirth of Nature’s spirits is arguably the very sort of thing druids and other like-minded peoples attribute to the way Life and Death are meant to interplay.

The other regions seem to just accumulate souls to perpetuate themselves internally, which sounds like a bunch of existential dead-ends rather than parts of a balanced system between Life and Death. For such a thing to be conceptually balanced, there would have to be some sort of something flowing back the other way to the living world to offset the souls flowing into the Shadowlands. Everything going one way with no reciprocal counterbalance is outright the opposite of a balance between the two.


So, Bastions Kyrians actually collect the souls of the dead from the living world and bring them to the Shadowlands. And/or distribute them internally as well if needs be. Without them the living world is, presumably, drowning in ghosts and banshees and other spirits (more then it already is anyway) which causes any number of problem. Maldraxus is their military defense force and thus could’ve been fighting wars all over creation to maintain the Balance that we’ve just never heard about. The only Covenant that seems to actually meets your criteria about being useless or one sided is Revendreth. And that’s the one Covenant that’s described as being potentially, inherently corrupt or flawed.

So no. Theres plenty of benefit to the living that we know about even now at this early stage from these realms doing their thing. And these are only a few of the “infinite” realms of the Shadowlands. Breaking the machinery of death would have much farther consequences then just messing with the blue angels that seem to have peev’d so many people off.


Revendreth is suppose to redeem souls so they can serve elsewhere in the shadowlands its rehab.

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That scenario seems really lame & awful,

Screw it,

I’d vouch for Venthyr

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I like meat,

Not for me

The whole “Obligatory Identity Death” of the Kyrian schtick is beyond creepy.

Even my lawful good paladin friends with Sylvanas over this.


So how would you get people to ferry the dead, forever?

Magic robots.

Robots arent very spiritual and your are being racist against robots, robots have families too.

Elementals constructed for that purpose who would not have their identity die since their ferryman identity is the original identity in the first place maybe?..

As for agreeing with Sylvanas like Gerak… I’m sure that many players agreed with Amon that the Infinite Cycle must end yet Kerrigan decided that letting it end peacefully rather than tearing reality down was the best way of doing things.

Amon and Sylvanas represent one extreme(end all things) while the Kyrian, Xe’ra and the Xel’naga represent another(erase personhood).

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The elementals are the kyrian tho, thats the point, everything in the shadowlands has to do with souls and anima

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Not exactly comparable. The Xel’naga expressly don’t interfere in things beyond the initial seeding of life, so it’s implied that the decision to become their new bodies each cycle is a choice made willingly on the part of the elders from whichever two races achieve a purity of Essence and Form.

In the Shadowlands you go wherever you’re sent, and in Bastion specifically the only options seem to be either serve on their terms and in the manner they’ve decreed, or become Forsworn and get erased from existence when they come to hunt you down.

For it to comparable, the Xel’naga would have to engage in wiping out any races that achieve pure Form or Essence, but then refuse to fulfill their desired role in the cycle. Which, given their fundamental law of noninterference in the development of life, seems unlikely.

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Creating Elementals from the destruction of the minds of sentient beings is outrageous and should not be done! The latant Anima leaked out should be gathered to make

Amon specifically states that he was forced to become Xel’naga. He also expected to become a God only to find he would be forced to sleep. He was tricked!

The Xel’naga are no different from Xe’ra even though they are better than the Kyrian who are more like the Protoss Conclave who follow tenants set up by Amon who as we all know was going to end all life despite his hypocrisy!

Incidentally Sylvanas’s way of leading the Forsaken as shown in Before the Storm is also just like the Kyrian and Conclave in that one must abandon their former identity…

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Anima doesnt work that way, you cant just make up headcanon about how things should work lol

Yeah…and we all know Amon was never one to deceive, right? I mean, just ask the Tal’darim.

Alarak is a gud boi :black_heart: :heart: